
Owner's Manual

Chapter 15
Using the AW1600 with external devices
This chapter describes various examples of how you can use the AW1600 in conjunction with external devices.

Using the AW1600 with a "workstation synth"

There are numerous ways in which you can use the AW1600 together with a workstation synthesizer (a synthesizer that has a built-in sequencer).

Synchronizing the AW1600 with the workstation's sequencer

Here's how you can use MTC to synchronize the AW1600 song with the sequencer built into your workstation synth. In this example we will also use MMC to remotely control the transport of the AW1600 from your workstation synth.

1	Refer to the following diagram, and connect the AW1600 to your workstation synthesizer.

Synthesizer with built-in sequencer

2	In the Work Navigate section, use the [UTILITY] key to access the MIDI 1 page of the UTILITY screen. Set the IN PORT and OUT PORT to MIDI.

3	In the Work Navigate section, use the [UTILITY] key to access the MIDI 2 page of the UTILITY screen. Turn on the SLAVE button in the MMC MODE field, and turn on the MASTER button in the MTC MODE field.
The AW1600 will be set to function as MMC slave and MTC master.
Example settings for synchronization using MTC and MMC

4	Move the cursor to the DEV field, and set the value to match the device number of your workstation synthesizer.
When using MMC, you must set the AW1600 and the external MIDI device to the same MMC device number. For details on the device numbers that your workstation synth can use, refer to its owner's manual.

5	In the Work Navigate section, use the [SONG] key to access the SETUP page of the SONG screen, and select a frame rate in the TIME CODE BASE area.

The frame rate you specify here will affect not only synchronization with the external device, but also the time code that is displayed in the counter, etc.

6	Set your workstation synth to function as MMC master and MTC slave, and set its MMC device number and MTC frame rate to the same settings as the AW1600.
For details on how to make these settings, refer to the manual for your workstation synth.

7	Play back the sequencer (of your workstation synth).
When you play back the sequencer of your workstation synth, the corresponding MMC commands will be sent to the AW1600, and the AW1600 will begin running.
At the same time, the AW1600 will transmit MTC to your workstation synth, and the sequencer will run in synchronization with it.

You can synchronize using MIDI Clock and Start/Stop/Continue messages instead of using MTC and MMC. For details on the settings in this case, refer to the section that follows, "Recording/playing AW1600 mix operations on the workstation's sequencer."

Recording/playing AW1600 mix operations on the workstation's sequencer
Here's how you can synchronize the AW1600 and the built-in sequencer of your workstation synth, and use the sequencer to record/play the fader and pan operations you perform on the AW1600.
Since operating the AW1600's mix parameters will cause a large number of control change messages to be transmitted, we will use MIDI Clock (which uses less data) as the synchronization signal rather than MTC.

1	Connect the AW1600 and your workstation as shown in the following diagram.

MIDI Clock Control change
Control change
Synthesizer with built-in sequencer

2	In the Work Navigate section, use the [UTILITY] key to access the MIDI 2 page of the UTILITY screen. Turn on the MASTER button in the MTC MODE area, and turn on the CLK button in the SYNC OUT area.
With these settings, the AW1600 will transmit MIDI Clock, Start/Stop/Continue, and Song Position Pointer messages from its MIDI OUT/THRU connector when it is running.
Example settings for synchronization using MIDI Clock and Start/Stop/Continue

3	Move the cursor to the CTRL CHG MODE area, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select 1 out of the possible range of 1 to 3.
The CTRL CHG MODE lets you choose one of three combinations (1 to 3) that specify how control changes will correspond to the mix parameters of the AW1600. (For details on the contents of each choice, refer to page 160.)
If you want to divide your operations into a separate MIDI channel for each of the AW1600's track channels, choose 1. If you want all track channels to be controlled on a single MIDI channel, choose 2 or 3.
If you chose 2 or 3, you will also need to set the MIDI CH field to specify the MIDI channel that will be used to transmit and receive the control changes.

4	Make settings on your workstation synth so that its built-in sequencer will follow external MIDI Clock messages. Also set the sequencer to record-ready mode.
For details on how to make these settings, refer to the manual for your workstation synth.

If your workstation synth has a function by which MIDI messages received at its MIDI IN connector are retransmitted from its MIDI OUT connector (a function called "MIDI Echo" or "MIDI Thru"), you must turn it off. If this function is turned on while you are recording, the control change messages transmitted when you operate the AW1600 will be immediately returned to the AW1600, causing malfunctions.

5	Play back the AW1600 song from the beginning.
When the AW1600 begins playing, it will transmit a Start message and MIDI Clock messages to the sequencer, and the sequencer will begin running in synchronization with the AW1600.

6	Operate the AW1600's mix parameters such as fader and pan.
The control changes assigned to each parameter will be recorded on the sequencer.
The type of mix parameters that can be recorded will depend on the setting of the CTRL CHG MODE field (-> p. 160).

7	When you are finished recording, stop the AW1600 song.

8	Switch the workstation's sequencer to playback-ready mode, and play back the AW1600 song from the beginning.
The recorded control changes will be transmitted to the AW1600, and the corresponding mix parameters will change.
If necessary, you can use the editing functionality of your sequencer to edit the values and timing of the control changes that were recorded.

If you set CTRL CHG MODE to 1, operating track channels 1 to 16 will transmit control changes on the corresponding MIDI channel 1 to 16. For this reason, you should normally record operations only for a single channel at a time, unless your sequencer is able to record multiple MIDI channels simultaneously.

Switching AW1600 scenes from the workstation's sequencer
Here's how you can transmit program changes from the built-in sequencer of your workstation to switch scenes on the AW1600.

Assign scenes to program changes

1	In the Control section, use the [SCENE] key to access the PC TABLE page of the SCENE screen.
This page lets you assign a scene number to each program change.

1	List
This lists the scenes of the current song. The line enclosed by a dotted frame is the scene currently selected for operations.
2	Program change number
This indicates the program change number 001 to 128. Move the cursor to this number and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to scroll the list upward or downward.
3	Scene
Move the cursor to this area and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select the scene that you want to assign to the corresponding program number.
Returns the program change assignments to the initial state.

With the initial settings, program changes 1 to 96 correspond to scenes 1 to 96, and program changes 97 to 128 are set to NO ASSIGN (no assignment).

2	Move the cursor to the program change number, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select the program change number whose assignment you want to change.

3	Move the cursor to the scene in the list, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select the scene that you want to assign to the corresponding program change number.

4	Repeat steps 3 to 4 to assign the desired scenes to other program change numbers.

If you want to reset the scene assignments to the initial setting, move the cursor to the INITIALIZE button and press the [ENTER] key.

Transmit program changes to switch scenes

1	Connect the AW1600 and your workstation synth as shown in the diagram below.

Program change
Synthesizer with built-in sequencer

2	In the Work Navigate section, use the [UTILITY] key to access the MIDI 2 page of the UTILITY screen.

3	Set the PGM CHG MODE field to RX.
With this setting, the AW1600 will receive program changes.

4	Move the cursor to RX in the MIDI CH area, and select the MIDI channel on which MIDI messages will be received.

5	Transmit a program change message from your workstation synth to the AW1600 on the MIDI channel that you selected.
The scene assigned to that program change number will be recalled.

If you insert program changes into the appropriate locations of your sequencer track, scenes will be recalled automatically as the AW1600 and your sequencer run in synchronization.

Remotely controlling a tone generator module
Here's how you can use the AW1600's MIDI Remote function to remotely control a tone generator module.

1	Connect the AW1600 to your tone generator module as shown in the following diagram.

Control changes
Tone generator module

2	Use the Work Navigate section [REMOTE] key to access the PRESET page of the REMOTE screen.
The Remote function will be enabled.

While the REMOTE screen is displayed, the functions of the faders and [TRACK SEL] keys will be disabled; the faders and keys will function as controllers that transmit MIDI messages.
The MIDI Remote function is enabled whenever the REMOTE screen is displayed.

3	Turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select the preset that you want to use.
For example if you select preset 06 (XG 1-16), the AW1600's faders will control the volume of parts 1 to 16 of your XG tone generator, and [TRACK SEL] keys 1 to 16 will control the on/off status of parts 1 to 16.

4	If necessary, use the buttons in the CH area to select the MIDI channels to which the faders and [TRACK SEL] keys will correspond.
The buttons in the CH area select the combination of MIDI channels that are assigned to the faders and [TRACK SEL] keys. For the combination of MIDI channels used when each button is on, refer to "MIDI and utility functions" (-> p. 157).

5	Operate the faders and [TRACK SEL] keys of the AW1600.
The messages assigned to the faders and [TRACK SEL] keys will be transmitted from the MIDI OUT/THRU connector, and the parameters of your tone generator module will change accordingly.

It is also possible to assign your own MIDI messages to the AW1600's faders and [TRACK SEL] keys. For details, refer to "MIDI and utility functions" (-> p. 157).

Using external effects
As an alternative to using the internal effects, you can use an external effect processor connected to the STEREO/AUX OUT jacks. As an example, here's how you can use AUX bus 1 to apply a mono-in stereo-out reverb to the track channels during mixdown.

1	Lower the [STEREO] fader to the -infinity position.

2	In the Selected Channel section, repeatedly press the [PAN/BAL] knob or hold down the [PAN/BAL] knob and use the CURSOR [Up]/[Down] keys to access the AUX OUT page of the PAN screen.
In this page you can select one of the following as the signal that will be output from the STEREO/AUX OUT jacks.
STEREO	Stereo bus (default)
AUX 1/2	AUX bus 1/2

3	Move the cursor to the AUX 1/2 button and press the [ENTER] key.
The AUX bus 1 signal will be output from the L channel of the STEREO/AUX OUT jacks, and the AUX bus 2 signal will be output from the R channel of the STEREO/AUX OUT jacks.

4	As shown in the following diagram, connect your external effect processor to the AW1600.

Effect processor

If you make the above connection with the [STEREO] fader raised before performing steps 2 and 3, oscillation may occur. Please use caution.

5	Press the [PAN/BAL] knob twice to access the AUX page of the PAN screen.

1	AUX 1 knobs
Adjust the send level of the signals that are sent from each channel to AUX bus 1.
PRE/POST (upper line)
Select the location from which the signal is sent from each channel to AUX bus 1. Move the cursor to the desired channel and press the [ENTER] key to switch between the following two settings.
PRE (pre-fader)	The signal immediately before the fader will be sent.
POST (post-fader)	The signal immediately after the fader will be sent.
AUX2 knobs
Adjust the send level of the signals that are sent from each channel to AUX bus 2.
PRE/POST (lower line)
Select the location from which the signal is sent from each channel to AUX bus 2. Move the cursor and press the [ENTER] key to switch between PRE and POST.

6	Raise the AUX knob 1 of each channel to an appropriate level, and switch the PRE/POST setting in the upper line as desired.
With the settings so far, the signal from the track channel will be sent from AUX bus 1 via the STEREO/AUX OUT jack to the external effect processor.

7	Use the Quick Navigate section [RECORD] key to access the MIXDOWN page of the RECORD screen, and make the settings shown below.
With these settings, the unprocessed sound of track channels 1 to 16 and the effect sound returned to input channels 3/4 will be sent to the stereo bus and mixed. You can monitor these signals via the MONITOR OUT jacks.

Signal flow when using an external effect processor

Recorder section
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Track 5
Track 6
Track 7
Track 8
Effect processor
Input channels
Track channels
AUX bus
Stereo bus
AUX bus 1 master
Stereo output channel
Mixer section

8	In the Selected Channel section, repeatedly press the [PAN/BAL] knob to access the PAN page of the PAN screen, and spread apart the pan settings of input channels 3/4.
The effect sound will be heard in stereo. If desired, you can specify input channels 3/4 as a pair.

If you use these settings, leave the AUX 1 knob and AUX 2 knob of input channels 3/4 set all the way to the left (-infinity dB). If you raise these levels, the signal will loop, creating oscillation.

9	Raise the [STEREO] fader to the 0 dB position, and while playing back the song, adjust the input level of your external effect processor and use the [GAIN] knobs to adjust the input level of input channels 3/4.
If desired, return to step 5 and readjust the send level to AUX bus 1 for each track channel. If you want to adjust the AUX bus 1 master level, use the BUS page of the VIEW screen (or the AUX OUT page of the PAN screen).

10	In the MIXDOWN page of the RECORD screen, switch the REC button on, and perform the mixdown.

When you are finished with the mixdown, turn the PAN screen AUX OUT page setting back to its original setting of STEREO.

Connecting a digital recorder such as MD or DAT
By connecting a digital recorder to the AW1600's DIGITAL STEREO IN or DIGITAL STEREO OUT jack, you can mixdown to the digital recorder such as MD or DAT while keeping the signal in the digital domain, or record an audio signal from the digital recorder into the AW1600.

Mixing down to a digital recorder
Here's how you can connect a digital recorder to the AW1600's DIGITAL STEREO OUT jack and mix down. The DIGITAL STEREO OUT jack always outputs the same signal as is recorded on the stereo track. This means that the procedure is essentially the same as for normal mixdown.

1	Lower the [STEREO] fader to the -infinity position.

2	As shown in the diagram below, connect the AW1600 to your digital recorder.

Digital recorder (MD or DAT)

3	Use the Quick Navigation section [RECORD] key to access the MIXDOWN page of the RECORD screen, and select the channels that you want to send to the stereo bus.

4	Raise the [STEREO] fader to the 0 dB position, and while you play back the song, adjust the level, pan, EQ, and dynamics for each track channel.
If desired, you can also use the mastering library.

5	When you have finished adjusting the sound and the levels, put your digital recorder in record mode, then play the AW1600 from the beginning and perform the mixdown.
You do not need to turn on the REC button in the MIXDOWN page at this time.

6	When you have finished the mixdown, stop the AW1600 and your digital recorder.

Signal flow when mixing down to a digital recorder
Recorder section
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Track 5
Track 6
Track 7
Track 8
Track channels
Stereo bus
Stereo output channel
Mixer section
Digital recorder (MD or DAT)

To play back your digital recorder and listen to the recorded result, connect the DIGITAL STEREO OUT jack of your digital recorder to the AW1600's DIGITAL STEREO IN jack, and perform the following steps.

7	If you want to hear the result that was recorded on the digital recorder, lower the [STEREO] fader to the -infinity position, and use the [UTILITY] key to access the D.IN - HDD page of the UTILITY screen.

8	Move the cursor to the DIGITAL REC ON/OFF button, and press the [ENTER] key.
A message will ask you to confirm your observance of copyright laws. If you accept the conditions described in "Copyright Notice" (-> p. 6), move the cursor to the OK button and press the [ENTER] key. The DIGITAL REC ON/OFF button will be switched ON, and digital audio data input will be enabled.

9	Move the cursor to the DIGITAL PATCH IN field, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select "STEREO BUS" as the destination for the input signal from the DIGITAL STEREO IN jack.
With this setting, the input signal from the DIGITAL STEREO IN jack will be connected directly to the stereo bus.

Please note that the EQ and dynamics settings you made for the stereo output channel during mixdown are still valid at this point. If necessary, turn off EQ and dynamics.

10	Raise the [STEREO] fader to the 0 dB position, and play back your digital recorder.

Recording audio data from a digital recorder
Here's how the signal from a digital recorder connected to the DIGITAL STEREO IN jack can be recorded on an AW1600 track while still in the digital domain.

1	Lower the [STEREO] fader to the -infinity position.

2	As shown in the diagram below, connect your digital recorder to the AW1600.

Digital recorder (MD or DAT)

3	Use the [UTILITY] key to access the D.IN . HDD page of the UTILITY screen.

4	Move the cursor to the DIGITAL REC ON/OFF button, and press the [ENTER] key.
A message will ask you to confirm your observance of copyright laws. If you accept the conditions described in "Copyright Notice" (-> p. 6), move the cursor to the OK button and press the [ENTER] key. The DIGITAL REC ON/OFF button will be switched ON, and digital audio data input will be enabled.

5	Move the cursor to the DIGITAL PATCH IN field, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select "1/2" (input channels 1/2) as the destination for the input signal from the DIGITAL STEREO IN jack.

If necessary, use the INIT page of the MONITOR screen to initialize the input channels.

6	Use the Quick Navigation section [RECORD] key to access the DIRECT page of the RECORD screen, and connect input channels 1/2 directly to tracks 1/2.

7	Raise the [STEREO] fader, play back your digital recorder, and check the recording level and monitor level.

If you want to lower the recording level, access the FADER page of the VIEW screen and lower the on-screen faders for input channels 1/2. (The [GAIN] knobs have no effect on input signals from the DIGITAL STEREO INPUT jack.)

8	When you are finished setting the levels, put the AW1600 in record mode, and play back your digital recorder.

This is the end of the file.