KORG Proprietary System Exclusive Messages For KRONOS                          Version 1.23 (Sep 19, 2012)

1 Function Code

               Function Code (5th byte of exclusive message) List
      | Func | Description                              |Receive/Transmit|
      |  72  | Object Dump Request                      |Receive         |
      |  73  | Object Dump                              |Receive/Transmit|
      |  76  | Store Bank Request                       |Receive/Transmit|
      |  77  | Dump Bank Request                        |Receive         |
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  74  | Current Object Dump Request              |Receive         |
      |  75  | Current Object Dump                      |Receive/Transmit|
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  37  | Bank Digest Request                      |Receive         |
      |  38  | Bank Digest                              |Transmit        |
      |  39  | Bank Digest Collection Request           |Receive         |
      |  3A  | Bank Digest Collection                   |Transmit        |
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  30  | Current Sample Information Request       |Receive         |
      |  31  | Current Sample Information               |Transmit        |
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  32  | Current Performance Id Request           |Receive         |
      |  33  | Current Performance Id                   |Transmit        |
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  34  | Current Piano Types Request              |Receive         |
      |  35  | Current Piano Types                      |Transmit        |
      |  36  | Notify Piano Types Changed               |Transmit        |
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  79  | SMF Data Dump Request                    |Receive         |
      |  7A  | SMF Data Dump                            |Transmit        |
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  43  | Parameter Change (integer)               |Receive/Transmit|
      |  44  | Parameter Change (binary)                |Receive/Transmit|
      |  41  | Sequencer Parameter Change               |Receive/Transmit|
      |  6D  | KARMA Parameter Change                   |Receive/Transmit|
      |  6E  | Drum Track Parameter Change              |Receive/Transmit|
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  71  | Set Current Object                       |Receive/Transmit|
      |  53  | Drum Kit Parameter Change (integer)      |Receive/Transmit|
      |  54  | Drum Kit Parameter Change (binary)       |Receive/Transmit|
      |  55  | Wave Seq Parameter Change (integer)      |Receive/Transmit|
      |  56  | Wave Seq Parameter Change (binary)       |Receive/Transmit|
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  12  | Mode Request                             |Receive         |
      |  42  | Mode Data                                |Transmit        |
      |  4E  | Mode Change                              |Receive/Transmit|
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  60  | Program Bank Types Request               |Receive         |
      |  61  | Program Bank Types                       |Transmit        |
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  7C  | Change Program Bank Type                 |Receive         |
      |  7D  | Query Program Bank Type (deprecated)     |Receive         |
      |  7E  | Query Program Bank Type Reply            |Transmit        |
      |      | (deprecated)                             |                |
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  78  | Reset Controller                         |Receive/Transmit|
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  7F  | KARMA Control                            |Receive/Transmit|
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  13  | Song Select                              |Receive/Transmit|
      |      |                                          |                |
      |  24  | Reply                                    |Transmit        |

[72] Object Dump Request                                                  Receive
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        72                      Function
        obj                     *1
        bank                    *2
        idH                     Index (bit7-13)
        idL                     Index (bit0-6)
        F7                      End of Excl

 Requests the instrument to send an Object Dump message (function 73).
 Instrument responds with a Reply message (function 24) for invalid requests.

[73] Object Dump                                                          Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        73                      Function
        obj                     *1
        bank                    *2
        idH                     Index (bit7-13)
        idL                     Index (bit0-6)
        version                 obj's version number
        data                    *3
        F7                      End of Excl

 After receiving this message & data, transmits Func=24 message.

 Note: when the instrument receives messages of this type, the data is not
 committed to storage until a Store Bank Request has been received. You may send
 multiple objects to a single bank (e.g., Program U-A000 ~ U-A127) and follow
 this with a single Store Bank Request for that bank.

 The instrument transmits messages of this type in response to Object Dump
 Requests (function 72) or by using Dump menu items from the Global/MIDI menu.
 In the case of the latter, the instrument also sends Store Bank Requests at the
 end of each bank it has transmitted.
 See the files in SysExDumps for data structure details.

[76] Store Bank Request                                                   Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        76                      Function
        obj                     *1
        bank                    *2
        F7                      End of Excl

 After receiving this message, commits the specified bank to non-volatile
 storage. Instrument then transmits a Reply message (function 24). Use this
 message after sending the instrument Object Dump (function 73) messages. The
 instrument also transmits this message after using the instrument's menus to
 sending dumps, but not in response to Object Dump Request messages.

 Some object types interact with others, such that it may not be necessary to
 send one for each object type received.

        - Program name (0x13) is a subset of Program (0x00). Storing a program
          bank stores its program names too.

        - Combi name (0x12) is a subset of Combi (0x01).

        - Song name (0x14) is a subset of Song Timbre Set (0x02).

        - Song Timbre Set (0x02) and Song Control (0x08). After sending objects
          of both of these kinds it is necessary to send a Store Bank Request of
          only one of them (e.g., send Song Timbre Sets and Song Control objects
          for songs 0..5, and then send Store Bank Request for Song Timbre Set).

        - Drum Kit name (0x16) is a subset of Drum Kit (0x04).

        - Wave Seq name (0x15) is a subset of Wave Seq (0x05).

        - Set List slot name (0x11) & comments (0x10), and Set List name (0x17)
          are all subsets of Set List (0x0d).

[77] Dump Bank Request                                                    Receive
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        77                      Function
        obj                     *1
        bank                    *2
        F7                      End of Excl

 Requests the instrument to send a series of Object Dump messages (function 73)
 for the specified object type and bank. This is a shorthand for requesting each
 object one at a time with function 72.

 Instrument responds with a Reply message (function 24) for invalid requests.

 Nearly all object types supported by functions 72/73 are are supported. The
 following are not supported:
        09 : Song Event (currently disabled)
        0C : KARMA GE RTP Info (KARMA_GE_RTP.txt)
        0F : Drum Track Pattern Event (DrumTrackPatternEvent.txt)

[74] Current Object Dump Request                                          Receive
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        74                      Function
        obj                     *1
        F7                      End of Excl

 Requests the instrument to send the contents of the edit buffer for the
 specified object type as a Current Object Dump message (function 75).
 Instrument responds with a Reply message (function 24) for invalid requests.

[75] Current Object Dump                                                  Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        75                      Function
        obj                     *1
        version                 obj's version number
        data                    *3
        F7                      End of Excl

 This message type is sent in response to a Current Object Dump Request. There
 is no method to send messages of this type from the instrument's user
 interface. Instrument sends a Reply message (function 24) on receipt of
 messages of this type. When receiving this message type, the contents of the
 specified object type's edit buffer is resplaced. The object is not stored
 however until the user writes the object using the instrument's menus or front

 See the files in SysExDumps for data structure details.

[37] Bank Digest Request                                                  Receive
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        37                      Function
        obj                     *1
        bank                    *2
        F7                      End of Excl

 Request that the instrument send a function 0x38 bank digest for the specified
 bank. Only a subset of the object types are allowed:
        00 : Program
        01 : Combination
        03 : Global
        04 : Drum Kit
        05 : Wave Seq
        06 : KARMA GE
        07 : KARMA Template
        0A : Song Region
        0D : Set List
        0E : Drum Track Pattern
        18 : Song

 Digests are not available for the GM program and drum kit banks.

[38] Bank Digest                                                          Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        38                      Function
        obj                     *1
        bank                    *2
        digest                  20-byte SHA-1 digest, converted to 7-bit sys/ex
                                format (23 bytes) *3
        F7                      End of Excl

 Instrument transmits this message in response to function 0x37, and also
 whenever bank storage is changed by any means other than by sys/ex. For
 example, writing a program to storage, loading a PCG, and changing user bank
 types all send this as a notification, while receiving function 0x73 object
 dumps do not.
 Because this is a fairly short message, the instrument does not disable
 starting new notes while it is being sent.
 Digest is a 20-byte SHA-1 digest generated from the bank data, in the same
 format as is sent via func 0x73 and 0x75 dumps (prior to 8- to 7-bit
 conversion). Bank elements are hashed in sequential order. For example, the
 digest for program bank I-A is generated from I-A000, I-A001, ... I-A127.
 See for OpenSSL digest documentation.

[39] Bank Digest Collection Request                                       Receive
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        39                      Function
        F7                      End of Excl

 Request that the instrument send a function 3A bank digest collection.

[3A] Bank Digest Collection                                               Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        3A                      Function
        numEntriesLSB           Number of entries (1..16383)
        data                    Array of DigestCollectionEntry objects, converted
                                as a whole to 7-bit sys/ex format. *3
        F7                      End of Excl

 Collection of all availble digests which may be requested individually with
 function 37. Instrument sends this in response to function 39. It is never sent
 unsolicited. Since this is a long message, the instrument must disable starting
 new notes while it is being sent. Compare this with function 38, which does not
 disable starting new notes.

            DigestCollectionEntry entries[numEntries]

        // the contents of this structure is equivalent to the information in a
        // single function 38 digest.
        struct DigestCollectionEntry
            unsigned char   obj;        // *1
            unsigned char   bank;       // *2
            unsigned char   digest[20]; // 20-byte SHA-1 digest

 For any given software release, numEntries will be a constant and the order of
 the contents of the digest will be constant. Both may change from release to
 release though.

[30] Current Sample Information Request                                   Receive

        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        30                      Function
        kind                    *8
        bank                    a 16-byte MultisampleBankUUID encoded into
                                19 sys/ex data bytes. See *3, *8
        F7                      End of Excl

 Request sample information (function 31) of the specified kind for the
 specified bank. Responds with Reply (function 24) for an invalid request.

 Some kinds use the bank UUID field (e.g., kinds 1-4, 6-9), while others do not
 (e.g., kinds 0, 5). For cases where the bank UUID is unused, fill with all 0s.

[31] Current Sample Information                                           Transmit

        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        31                      Function
        kind                    *8
        bank                    a 16-byte MultisampleBankUUID encoded into
                                19 sys/ex data bytes. See *3, *8
        sysExSize (0aaaaaaa) (MSB)
        sysExSize (0bbbbbbb)
        sysExSize (0ccccccc)
        sysExSize (0ddddddd) (LSB)
                                28-bit count of sys/ex data bytes between here
                                and the F7 (a << 21 | b < 14 | c < 7 | d). See
                                *3 for how to convert this to the number of
                                binary data bytes that this represents.
        data                    Binary data converted to sys/ex. *3
        F7                      End of Excl

 The contents of data depend on the kind. Some messages have no data, in which
 case sysExSize is 0, and F7 immediately follows the sysExSize LSB. Bank and
 data are 8-bit data converted to 7-bit data for transmission (see *3).

 frequently used data types

        struct MultisampleBankUUID
            unsigned char value[16];

        struct ObjectName
            char name[24];      // this string is not nul-terminated

        UnsignedBE16 unsigned 16-bit integer, big endian

 Kind 0: List of Multisample Banks

            MultisampleBankListEntry list[N]

        struct MultisampleBankListEntry
            MultisampleBankUUID bankUUID;
            unsigned char       type;
            char                shortName[80];  // this string is nul-terminated
            char                longName[80];   // this string is nul-terminated
        N (# of installed banks) = binarySize / sizeof(MultisampleBankListEntry)

            0: ROM
            1: Sampling (current sampling session)
            2: EXs
            3: User
            4: Unknown (these are referenced by voice data, but otherwise unknown)
            5: Legacy RAM (Smp: Old RAM)

        The banks are ordered in the same way that the instrument presents them
        to the user.

        Legacy RAM (4b4f5247-0000-0000-0000-00004d530002), is included in this
        list, mainly to provide the name as it appears in the instrument (Smp:
        Old RAM).

        The bank field of the request and response messages is not used for this
        kind. When requesting this dump, fill the bank field with 0s.

 Kinds 1-4: List of Multisamples / Drum Samples in Bank

            SampleInfoListEntry list[N]

        struct SampleInfoListEntry
            UnsignedBE16    num;                // multisample / sample number number
            ObjectName      name;
            unsigned char   numStartOffsets;

        N = binarySize / sizeof(SampleInfoListEntry). N may be 0.
        This information is unavailable for User Banks which are completely
        unloaded. N=0 in this case.

        Legacy RAM (4b4f5247-0000-0000-0000-00004d530002) acts as an alias for
        the current sampling session id. If you request sample information for
        both the current sampling session (as indicated by kind 0 or kind 19),
        you will receive to identical lists. They are not however separate

 Kind 5: List of Currently Loaded Multisample Banks

            MultisampleBankUUID listOfLoadedBanks[N]

        N = binarySize / sizeof(MultisampleBankUUID). In practice N will never
        be 0, because ROM cannot be unloaded.

        Legacy RAM (4b4f5247-0000-0000-0000-00004d530002) is not included in
        this list.

        The bank field of the request and response messages is not used for this
        kind. When requesting this dump, fill the bank field with 0s.

 Kinds 6-9: Bitmaps of Loaded Multisamples / Drum Samples in Bank

        A bit array of flags indicating which of the multisamples or drum samples
        listed in a Kind 1-4 dump is currently loaded.

            unsigned char bitArray[M]

        M = (max sample # + 1 + 7) / 8

        each bit corresponds to a the multisample or drum sample numbers appearing in
        Kind 1-4's list:

            isLoaded = (bitArray[num / 8] >> (num % 8)) & 1

        1 indicates multisample or drum sample num is loaded.

        Note: this information is unavailable for User Banks which are
        completely unloaded. N=0 in this case.
 Kinds 10-11: Not used

 Kind 12: Notification of Multisample Bank Members Loaded or Unloaded

        Instrument sends this message when the specified bank has had one or
        more multisamples or drum samples loaded or unloaded. Use kinds 5-9 to
        see what has changed.

 Kinds 13-16: Not used

 Kind 17: Notification of Multisample Bank List Change

        Instrument sends this message when the bank list has changed. This can
        happen when the sampling session changes, when a previously unknown bank
        is found, etc. Request a new kind 0 dump to see what changed. The bank
        field of this notification is unused, and contains all 0s.

 Kind 18: Notification of Multisample / Drum Sample in Bank Change

        Instrument sends this message when the contents of the specified bank
        has changed (e.g., a sample in the current sampling session has changed
        name or been moved). Request kinds 1-4 to see what changed. This implies
        that kinds 6-9 may also have changed.

 Kind 19: Notification of Current Sampling Sessions Bank Id

        Instrument sends this notification when the current sampling session
        bank id has changed. The message indicates the new sampling session bank
        !!! this may be superfluous, because changing sampling session id also
        requires refreshing kind 0. it may be that this message always coincides
        with a kind 17 notificatian.

[32] Current Performance Id Request                                       Receive

    Form 1:
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        32                      Function
        F7                      End of Excl

    Form 2:
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        32                      Function
        F7                      End of Excl

 Request Kronos to send a Current Performance Id (function 33) message.
 The first form requests the currently active performance in the instrument.
 The second form requests the last activated performance of the specified type
 (see function 33).
 Instrument responds with Reply (function 24) and an error code if the request
 cannot currently be satisfied. Examples of times when this will happen are
 Sampling mode, Drum Kit editing, and Wave Sequence editing.

[33] Current Performance Id                                               Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        33                      Function
        number (MSB)
        number (LSB)
        F7                      End of Excl

            0: combi
            1: program
            2: song

                combi   prog    song
            0:  I-A     I-A     -
            1:  I-B     I-B     -
            5:  I-F     I-F     -
            6:  U-A     GM      -
            7:  U-B     g(1)    -
           13:  U-G     g(7)    -
           14:  -       g(8)    -
           15:  -       g(9)    -
           16:  -       g(d)    -
           17:  -       U-A     -
           18:  -       U-B     -
           23:  -       U-G     -
           24:  -       U-AA    -
           25:  -       U-BB    -
           30:  -       U-GG    -

            0..127 for programs and combis
            0..199 for songs

 (these are the same ranges of Type, Bank, and Number as used in set list slot
 performances. See SysExParams/SetList.txt)

 Note: in Set List mode, this message indicates the type, bank, and number of
 the selected performance (i.e., the contents of the set list slot), and not the
 set list and slot number.

[34] Current Piano Types Request                                          Receive

        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        34                      Function
        F7                      End of Excl

 Request Current Piano Types dump (function 35).

[35] Current Piano Types                                                  Transmit

        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        35                      Function
        sysExSize (MSB)
        sysExSize (LSB)         28-bit count of sys/ex data bytes between here
                                and the F7. See *3.
        data                    *3
        F7                      End of Excl

 Instrument sends this message in response to Request Current Piano Types dump
 (function 35). Payload is 8-bit data converted to 7-bit data for transmission
 (see *3) with the following format:

            PianoTypeInfo info[N]

        struct PianoTypeInfo
            UnsignedBE16        index;
            char                name[25];  // this string is nul-terminated

        UnsignedBE16 unsigned 16-bit integer, big endian

        N (# of found Piano Types) = binarySize / sizeof(PianoTypeInfo)

        Entries are sorted by index. Index values may be a sparse list (e.g.,
        0..47, 64..72, 90..100)

[36] Current Piano Types Request                                          Transmit

        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        36                      Function
        F7                      End of Excl

 Instrument sends this message whenever the current set of Piano Types changes.
 Send a Current Piano Types Request (function 34) to get the current set.

[79] SMF Data Dump Request                                                Receive
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        79                      Function
        songNumH                (bits 7-13)
        songNumL                (bits 0-6)
        startMeasH              (bits 7-13)
        startMeasL              (bits 0-6)
        endMeasH                (bits 7-13)
        endMeasL                (bits 0-6)
        00                      reserved
        F7                      End of Excl

[7A] SMF Data Dump                                                        Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        7A                      Function
        error code              0 for success, non-zero error code on failure.
        sizeH                   (bits 14-20) # of binary data bytes (i.e., prior
                                to 7 to 8-byte conversion)
        sizeM                   (bits 7-13)
        sizeL                   (bits 0-6)
        00                      reserved
        data                    *3
        F7                      End of Excl

 Transmitted in response to an SMF Data Dump Request message (function 79).

[43] Parameter Change (integer)                                           Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        43                      Function
        TYP                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        SOC                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        SUB                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        PID                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        IDX                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        valueH                  Value   (bit14-20)   (*4)
        valueM                  Value   (bit7-13)    (*4)
        valueL                  Value   (bit0-6)     (*4)
        F7                      End of Excl



        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        43                      Function
        TYP                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        SOC                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        SUB                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        7F                      part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        PIDH                    (bits 7-14) part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        PIDL                    (bits 0-6) part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        IDX                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        valueH                  Value   (bit14-20)   (*4)
        valueM                  Value   (bit7-13)    (*4)
        valueL                  Value   (bit0-6)     (*4)
        F7                      End of Excl


 Most of the instrument's parameters (mainly those that control the synthesis
 engine) can be edited with this kind of message. There are some other special
 case parameter messages (e.g., Drum Kit Parameter Change, Wave Seq Parameter
 Change, etc) for controlling other specific sets of parameters. Which
 parameters are currently available for editing depends on the instrument's mode
 (e.g., combi parameters are only allowed while in combi mode).

 The first form is used for parameter ids 0..126, the second form is for
 parameter ids 127..16383. As a convenience, the instrument accepts either form
 for parameter ids 0..126.

 Note: the second form has been deprecated for lack of use. The instrument will
 continue to receive it, but not transmit it.

[44] Parameter Change (binary)                                            Receive/Transmit

        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        44                      Function
        TYP                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        SOC                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        SUB                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        PID                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        IDX                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        value type              *9
        value[]                 *3
        F7                      End of Excl

 Certain instrument parameters take binary data instead of a 21-bit integer
 value. These use function 44 instread of function 43. Currently the only type
 of these is UUID (16-byte binary data).

 Note: 14-bit param id is not supported for these.

[41] Sequencer Parameter Change                                           Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        41                      Function
        TYP                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        SOC                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        SUB                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        PID                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        IDX                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        valueH                  Value   (bit14-20)   (*4)
        valueM                  Value   (bit7-13)    (*4)
        valueL                  Value   (bit0-6)     (*4)
        F7                      End of Excl

[6D] KARMA Parameter Change                                               Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        6D                      Function
        TYP                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        SOC                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        SUB                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        PID                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        IDX                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        valueH                  Value   (bit14-20)   (*4)
        valueM                  Value   (bit7-13)    (*4)
        valueL                  Value   (bit0-6)     (*4)
        F7                      End of Excl

[6E] Drum Track Parameter Change                                          Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        6E                      Function
        TYP                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        SOC                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        SUB                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        PID                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        IDX                     part of parameter id (see combi.txt, etc)
        valueH                  Value   (bit14-20)   (*4)
        valueM                  Value   (bit7-13)    (*4)
        valueL                  Value   (bit0-6)     (*4)
        F7                      End of Excl

[71] Set Current Object                                                   Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        71                      Function
        obj                     object type: 0=drum kit, 1=wave seq
        idH                     Index (bit7-13)
        idL                     Index (bit0-6)
        F7                      End of Excl

 This message identifies which drum kit or wave sequence is being edited with
 Drum Kit or Wave Seq Parameter Change messages (functions 53 and 55).

 Index indicates which drum kit or wave sequence to select, using linear
 addressing instead of bank + id. This is the same means of addressing drum kits
 and wave sequences used by the HD-1 MS number parameter.

 Drum Kit Mapping

         linear #         bank + id
          0 .. 39        I-00 .. I-39
         40 .. 55       U-A00 .. U-A15
         56 .. 71       U-B00 .. U-B15
        136 .. 151      U-G00 .. U-G15
        152 .. 160        GM0 .. GM8
        161 .. 176     U-AA00 .. U-AA15
        257 .. 272     U-GG00 .. U-GG15

 Wave Seq Mapping

         linear #         bank + id
          0 .. 149      I-000 .. I-149
        150 .. 181      U-A00 .. U-A31
        342 .. 373      U-G00 .. U-G31
        374 .. 405     U-AA00 .. U-AA31
        566 .. 597     U-GG00 .. U-GG31

[53] Drum Kit Parameter Change (integer)                                  Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        53                      Function
        VSP                     velocity split (see DrumKit.txt)
        note                    midi note # (0-7F)
        PID                     part of parameter id (see DrumKit.txt)
        valueH                  Value   (bit14-20)   (*4)
        valueM                  Value   (bit7-13)    (*4)
        valueL                  Value   (bit0-6)     (*4)
        F7                      End of Excl

 See DrumKit.txt for details.

[54] Drum Kit Parameter Change (binary)                                   Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        54                      Function
        VSP                     velocity split (see DrumKit.txt)
        note                    midi note # (0-7F)
        PID                     part of parameter id (see DrumKit.txt)
        value type              *9
        value[]                 *3
        F7                      End of Excl

 See DrumKit.txt for details.

[55] Wave Seq Parameter Change (integer)                                  Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        55                      Function
        step                    step index (0-3F)
        PID                     part of parameter id (see WaveSequence.txt)
        valueH                  Value   (bit14-20)   (*4)
        valueM                  Value   (bit7-13)    (*4)
        valueL                  Value   (bit0-6)     (*4)
        F7                      End of Excl

 See WaveSequence.txt for details.

[56] Wave Seq Parameter Change (binary)                                   Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        56                      Function
        step                    step index (0-3F)
        PID                     part of parameter id (see WaveSequence.txt)
        value type              *9
        value[]                 *3
        F7                      End of Excl

 See WaveSequence.txt for details.

[12] Mode Request                                                         Receive
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        12                      Function
        F7                      End of Excl

 Requests that the instrument send a Mode Data message (function 42).

[42] Mode Data                                                            Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        42                      Function
        0000 mmmm               Mode                    (*5)
        0ooo oooo               Option                  (*7)
        0sss ssss               Setup data1             (*7)
        0ddd dddd               Setup data2             (*7)
        0eee eeee               Setup data3             (*7)
        F7                      End of Excl

 After receiving Func=12 message, transmits this message & data.

[4E] Mode Change                                                          Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        4E                      Function
        0000 mmmm               Mode                    (*5)
        F7                      End of Excl

 After receiving this message & data, changes the Mode, and transmits Func=24 message.
 When the Mode is changed by SW, transmits this message & data.

[60] Program Bank Types Request                                           Receive
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        60                      Function
        F7                      End of Excl

 After receiving this message, Kronos sends a Program Bank Types (func 61)

[61] Program Bank Types                                                   Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        61                      Function
        numBits                 number of bits in bitmap
        F7                      End of Excl

 Instrument sends this message when loading program banks from a PCG file, or
 when the user changes a program bank type via the Set Program User-Bank Type
 menu. Transmission of this message does not necessarily indicate that there was
 a change in state (e.g., it is always sent when loading user program banks from
 a PCG file). Additionally, this message is sent in response to Program Bank
 Types Request (func 60).

 Data is a bitmap indicating the format of the program edit buffer and all user
 programs banks. A bit value of 1 indicates EXi, 0 indicates HD-1. The number of
 data bytes is:
    numDataBytes = (numBits + 6) / 7

 Currently with 14 user program banks, numBits is 15 and data[] is formatted as

        bit 0: edit buffer
        bit 1: U-A
        bit 6: U-F
        bit 0: U-G
        bit 1: U-AA
        bit 6: U-FF
        bit 0: U-GG
        bit 1..6: unused (0)

 If more user program banks are added in the future, they will be added starting
 at data[2] bit 1, and numBits will increase.

[7C] Change Program Bank Type                                             Receive
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        7C                      Function
        bank                    *2
        type                    0: HD-1, 1: EXi
        F7                      End of Excl

 After receiving this message, if the new type doesn't match the current type,
 reformats and erases specified bank. After that transmits Func=24 message.

[7D] Query Program Bank Type                                              Receive
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        7D                      Function
        bank                    *2
        F7                      End of Excl

 Request the bank type of the specified program bank. Instrument responds with a
 Query Program Bank Type Reply (function 7E) or Reply (function 24) for invalid

 This message has been deprecated. Use Program Bank Types Request (func 60)

[7E] Query Program Bank Type Reply                                        Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        7E                      Function
        type                    0: HD-1, 1: EXi
        F7                      End of Excl

 Sent in response to a Query Program Bank Type message (function 7D).

[78] Reset Controller                                                     Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        78                      Function
        channel                 MIDI channel
        cc                      CC# (0-119)
        F7                      End of Excl

 Transmits this message when RESET CONTROLS is used with a controller assigned
 to CC 17, 19, 20, or 21. These CCs are special because they generate both
 unipolar and bipolar AMS and DMod signals. The special reset state for these is
 with the controller set to 64 and all AMS and DMod signals set to 0.

 Receiving this message resets any CC to its default value.

[7F] KARMA Control                                                        Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        7F                      Function
        kind                    See below
        message                 Kind-specific message. Format and length depends
                                on kind. See details below
        F7                      End of Excl

  kind 0: KARMA Waveform Select Message (Receive/Transmit)
        channel                 MIDI Channel
        patch                   0 or 1
        ms bank                 0..0x7e, OR 0x7f: Ignore Bank
        ms# lsb
        ms# msb                 0..N-1, where N is # of multisamples in bank,
                                or 0x7f 0x7f (16383): ignore MS#
        start offset            start offset (0..8), 0xf: ignore start offset
        type                    0: off, 1: multisample, 2: wave seq, 0xf: ignore type

  kind 1: Waveform Reset Message (Receive/Transmit)
        channel                 MIDI Channel

  kind 2: Vector Trigger Message (Receive/Transmit)
        channel                 MIDI Channel (always set to global)
        value                   0 = off, 1 = on
  kind 3: Switch Modified State Message (Transmit)
        module                  0..3
        scene                   0..7
        data[]                  2 bytes binary packed in KORG 8/7 binary format (*3)

        When converted back to binary, data[] is:

            unsigned char    switch;         // bit0 : SW1 bit7 : SW8
            unsigned char    switchModified; // bit0 : SW1 bit7 : SW8

  kind 4: Slider Modified State Message (Transmit)
        module                  0..3
        scene                   0..7
        slider id               0..7
        data[]                  1 byte binary packed in KORG 8/7 binary format (*3)

        When converted back to binary, data[] is:

            signed char      sliderValue;    // Current Slider Value, -1 = unmodified

  kind 5: Module Modified State Message (Transmit)
        module                  0..3
        data[]                  80 bytes binary packed in KORG 8/7 binary format (*3)

        when converted back to binary, data[] is an array containing 8 instances
        of this structure, one for each scene:

        struct KarmaModifiedState {
            unsigned char    switch;         // bit0 : SW1 bit7 : SW8
            unsigned char    switchModified; // bit0 : SW1 bit7 : SW8
            signed char      sliderValue[8]; // Current Slider Value, -1 = unmodified

[13] Song Select                                                          Receive/Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        13                      Function
        00,                     (reserved)
        songNumMSB,             14-bit song number, MSB first
        F7                      End of Excl

 This message is an extended-range form of the MIDI song select system message
 F3. Unlike F3, it is capable of selecting songs 0..16383. Also unlike F3, this
 message is transmitted and received regardless of the instrument's MIDI clock
 sync setting.

[24] Reply                                                                Transmit
        F0, 42, 3g, 68          Excl Header
        24                      Function
        Reply Code              *6
        F7                      End of Excl

 Transmits this message as a reply for some received message. In some cases this
 message is sent only when an error occurs and has a non-zero Reply Code. In
 others (e.g., after receiving an Object Dump) a Reply message is always sent.
 In these cases a Reply Code of zero indicates success, while a non-zero Reply
 Code indicates failure.

        obj = 00 : Program (Prog_EXi_Common.txt, Prog_EXi.txt, Prog_HD-1.txt)
              01 : Combination (CombiAndSongTimbreSet.txt)
              02 : Song Timbre Set (CombiAndSongTimbreSet.txt)
              03 : Global (Global.txt)
              04 : Drum Kit (DrumKit.txt)
              05 : Wave Seq (WaveSequence.txt)
              06 : KARMA GE (NOTE: GEs are not edited on the instrument, so
                   there is no edit buffer)
              07 : KARMA Template
              08 : Song Control (SongControl.txt)
              09 : Song Event (currently disabled)
              0A : Song Region
              0B : Reserved
              0C : KARMA GE RTP Info (KARMA_GE_RTP.txt)
              0D : Set List (index=set list) (SetList.txt)
              0E : Drum Track Pattern (DrumTrackPattern.txt)
              0F : Drum Track Pattern Event (DrumTrackPatternEvent.txt)
              10 : Set List Slot Comments (bank=set list, index=slot)
              11 : Set List Slot Name (bank=set list, index=slot)
              12 : Combi Name
              13 : Program Name
              14 : Song Name
              15 : Wave Seq Name
              16 : Drum Kit Name
              17 : Set List Name (index=set list)
              18 : Song (Song Timbre Set and Song Control in a single object. Song.txt)

 The table above includes the names of associated documentation files in SysExDumps.

 The meaning of bank depends on the object type.

 Program, Program Name:
        bank =  0 -  5 : INT-A - F
               10 - 1A : GM, g(1)-g(9), g(d) (read-only)
               40 - 4d : USER-A - G, AA - GG

 Combi, Combi Name:
        bank =  0 -  6 : INT-A - G
               40 - 46 : USER-A - G

 Drum Kit, Drum Kit Name:
        bank =       0 : INT
                    10 : GM (read-only)
               40 - 4d : USER-A - G, AA - GG

 Wave Seq, Wave Seq Name:
        bank =       0 : INT
               40 - 4d : USER-A - G, AA - GG

        bank =  0 -  B : USER-A - L

 KARMA Template:
        bank =  0 -  3 : USER-A - D

        bank =  0
        index = 0 - 2047: Preset
                2048 -  : U-A000 - 

 Set List Slot Comments, Set List Slot Name
        bank =  0 - 7F : set list #

 For all other types (e.g., Song, Set List, etc) bank must be 0.

 The detailed information about "data," see the text files specific to HD-1, EXi, etc.
 Internal data is converted to MIDI data using following method.
|  Internal 7byte data <--convert--> MIDI 8 byte data                                    |
|  example) Internal data(bit image) MIDI data(bit image)                                |
|                Aaaaaaaa            0GFEDCBA                                            |
|                Bbbbbbbb            0aaaaaaa                                            |
|                Cccccccc            0bbbbbbb                                            |
|                Dddddddd            0ccccccc                                            |
|                Eeeeeeee            0ddddddd                                            |
|                Ffffffff            0eeeeeee                                            |
|                Gggggggg            0fffffff                                            |
|                Hhhhhhhh            0ggggggg                                            |
|                Iiiiiiii            0NMLKJIH                                            |
|                   :                0hhhhhhh                                            |
|                   :                   :                                                |
|                Vvvvvvvv            000000WV                                            |
|                Wwwwwwww            0vvvvvvv                                            |
|                                    0wwwwwww                                            |
|                                    11110111 (EOX=F7H)                                  |
 binarySize: number of 8-bit binary data bytes in memory
 sysExSize: number of 7-bit sys/ex data bytes
 sysExSize = binarySize + (binarySize+6)/7

 binarySize = (sysExSize/8)*7 + (sysExSize%8 ? sysExSize%8-1 : 0)

 The format is 21-bit 2's complement. Typical use is to convert this to a 32-bit 
 signed integer:
         valueH : 0scccccc
         valueM : 0bbbbbbb
         valueL : 0aaaaaaa

         int    : ssssssss sssscccc ccbbbbbb baaaaaaa

        mmm = 0 : COMBINATION
              1 : reserved
              2 : PROGRAM
              3 : reserved
              4 : SEQUENCER
              5 : reserved
              6 : SAMPLING
              7 : GLOBAL
              8 : DISK
              9 : SET LIST

        cc =  0 : No error
              1 : parameter type specified is incorrect for current mode
              2 : unknown param message type, unknown parameter id or index
              3 : short or otherwise mangled message
              4 : target object not found
              5 : insufficient resources to complete request
              6 : paramter value is out of range
              7 : (internal error code)
             64 : other error:
                    - program bank is wrong type for received program dump (Func 73, 75).
                    - invalid data in Preset Pattern Dump (Func 7B).
             65 : target object is protected
             66 : memory overflow

        oo : bit 0   = 0 : No EXB-DI, = 1 : EXB-DI is installed (always 0 for KRONOS)

        ss : bit 0,1 = 0 : Note Receive is All,    = 1 : Even,          = 2 : Odd
             bit 2-4 = 0 : MIDI Clock is Internal, = 1 : External MIDI, = 2 : Auto MIDI, = 3 : External USB, = 4 : Auto USB

        dd : bit 0   = 0 : Prog Mem is not protected,          = 1 : protected
             bit 1   = 0 : Combi Mem is not protected,         = 1 : protected
             bit 2   = 0 : Song Mem is not protected,          = 1 : protected
             bit 3   = 0 : Drum Kit Mem is not protected,      = 1 : protected
             bit 4   = 0 : Wave Seq Mem is not protected,      = 1 : protected
             bit 5   = 0 : KARMA GE Mem is not protected,      = 1 : protected
             bit 6   = 0 : Internal HDD Save is not protected, = 1 : protected

        ee : bit 0   = 0 : Set List Mem is not protected,      = 1 : protected

 Sample Information request and dump

       kind =   0 : List of Multisample Banks
                1 : List of Mono Multisamples in Bank
                2 : List of Stereo Multisamples in Bank
                3 : List of Mono Drum samples in Bank
                4 : List of Stereo Drum samples in Bank
                5 : List of Currently Loaded Multisample Banks
                6 : Bitmap of Currently Loaded Mono Multisamples in Bank
                7 : Bitmap of Currently Loaded Stereo Multisamples in Bank
                8 : Bitmap of Currently Loaded Mono Drum Samples in Bank
                9 : Bitmap of Currently Loaded Stereo Drum Samples in Bank
               10 : not used
               11 : not used
               12 : Notification of Multisample Bank Members Loaded or Unloaded
               13 : not used
               14 : not used
               15 : not used
               16 : not used
               17 : Notification of Multisample Bank List Change
               18 : Notification of Multisamples / Drum Samples in Bank Change
               19 : Notification of Current Sampling Sessions Bank Id

       bank =   MultisampleBankUUID encoded for sys/ex

 Note that bank doesn't apply to all kinds of sample information. It is
 supported for kinds: 1-4, 6-9, 12, 18-19. Otherwise bank all zeros.

 Binary parameter value type

                02: UUID

 Multisample Bank UUIDs

 Standard 128-bit (16-byte) unique identifiers are used to identify multisample
 banks. See for more information about UUIDs
 in general.

 For use as Multisample Bank IDs, there are some special values and meanings to
 certain bits of the UUID.

 * Stereo flag in UUID

 All multisample bank UUIDs have the upper 127 bits for the bank ID, and the
 least significant bit (byte 15, bit 0) reserved for a mono/stereo flag: mono=0,
 stereo=1. For example, 5a27d1e1-63c7-4d32-92fa-f6bc95ee6ee6 refers to the mono
 members of a hypothetical bank, and 5a27d1e1-63c7-4d32-92fa-f6bc95ee6ee7 refers
 to the stereo members of this same bank.
 In situations where a bank ID only is required (e.g., Sample Info dumps) use
 the mono form (byte 15, bit 0 is 0).

 * Reserved invalid IDs

 The following UUIDs are reserved as invalid: 


 * Legacy IDs

 ROM, RAM, and EXs 1 through 126 are handled as "legacy IDs."

 The UUID for a legacy ID is:


 or as a C array:

     { 'K','O','R','G',  0,0,  0,0,  0,0,  0,0,'M','S',0,nn }

 where nn is the 8-bit legacy bank ID and stereo flag used in previous versions.
 The legacy bank number (0=ROM, 1=Smp: Old RAM, 2=EXs1, etc) is in bits 1-7 of
 byte 15, and the mono/stereo flag (as above) is in bit 0 of byte 15. Promoting
 an 8-bit bank ID to a UUID just requires adding the above 15-byte prefix.

 The 8-bit legacy bank IDs (with embedded mono/stereo flag) are as follows:

       0: ROM mono
       1: ROM stereo
       2: Smp: Old RAM mono
       3: Smp: Old RAM stereo
       4: EXs1 mono
       5: EXs1 stereo
     254: EXs126 mono
     255: EXs126 stereo

 The legacy bank UUID format is deliberately slightly different from normal,
 generated UUIDs (in which a couple of specific bits are always set), so these
 UUIDs should remain unique.

 Note: EXs127 and above and all user banks use generated UUIDs. There is no
 special meaning to byte 15, bits 1-7 of such UUIDs.

 Bank 1 ("Smp: Old RAM") is a legacy setting preserved for compatibility with
 pre-2.0 sounds. It refers to the Sampling Mode data regardless of the actual
 current Sampling Mode UUID.

 The 8-bit codes are still used by Tone Adjust, since Tone Adjust does not
 operate on UUIDs.

 * Generating Multisample Bank UUIDs

 Normally the Kronos is responsible for generating bank UUIDs when necessary.
 However, external software may also do this in order to create sample data
 in native Kronos format.

 As noted above, bank UUIDs are simply randomly generated UUIDs with special
 meaning given to byte 15, bit 0. Here is a Linux/Mac OS X code fragment to
 generate a valid Multisample Bank UUID:


        unsigned char uuid[16];
        uuid[15] &= ~1;
 Equivalent Windows code:

    #define RPC_NO_WINDOWS_H 1

        UUID t;

        unsigned char uuid[16];
        uuid[0] = t.Data1 >> 24;
        uuid[1] = t.Data1 >> 16;
        uuid[2] = t.Data1 >> 8;
        uuid[3] = t.Data1;
        uuid[4] = t.Data2 >> 8;
        uuid[5] = t.Data2;
        uuid[6] = t.Data3 >> 8;
        uuid[7] = t.Data3;
        memcpy(&uuid[8], t.Data4, 8);
        uuid[15] &= ~1;

-Revision History-
Rev     Date			Description
1.0     July 12 2010		Initial Release.
1.01    July 13 2010		Revised wording of file cross-reference for "data" sections; new SysEx Product ID changes headers.
1.02    July 13 2010		Added 9 = SET LIST to mode change.
1.03    July 24 2010		Added Set List obj = 0d; added note re no GE edit buffers	    
1.04    Feb  23 2011		Added Set List Comment and name objs (10H an 11H, respectively), updated version byte decription for dumps
1.05    Mar  10 2011		Added program bank type messages, new dump object types, and corrected several errors and omissions.
1.06    Apr   1 2011		Added sample bank information messages.
1.07    May   3 2011		Added extended-range song select message (func 13).
1.08    May  10 2011		Added new user program, drum kit, and wave seq banks.
1.09    May  24 2011		Correct drum kit param message byte order.
1.10    Jul  20 2011		Added program bank types messages (funcs 60, 61), and marked single bank query and response (funcs 7D and 7E) as deprecated.
1.11    Aug  11 2011		Add Sample Info kinds 13-16. Deprecate kinds 10-11.
1.12    Aug  15 2011		Add function 0x7f documentation.
1.13    Aug  22 2011		Mark Sample Info kinds 10-11 as "not used".  They had been previously deprecated.
1.14    Aug  29 2011		Add func 0x32..0x33: request current performance id.
1.15    Sep   7 2011		Song Event dumps are temporarily disabled pending a redesign.
1.16    Oct  28 2011		Update for User Sampling Banks.
1.17    Dec   7 2011		Add functions 44, 54, 56: binary params. Add notes regarding other 2.0 deprecated items and docs that will change. Remove references to 16-bit User Sampling bank items (including karma control kind 6).
1.18    Jan  19 2012		Update sample info dumps for 2.0
1.19    Feb  16 2012		Add Current Piano Types messages
1.20    Apr  18 2012		Update Sample Info Dump docs. Add footnote *10 regarding Multisample Bank UUIDs
1.21    May  10 2012		Add Bank Digest messages.
1.22    June 15 2012		Add Dump Bank Request message and Song object type.
1.23    Sep  19 2012		Add 2nd form of Function 32.