
This file was generated automatically.  Do not edit by hand.

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0            -50..50  Master Tune
    1       0            -12..12  Key Transpose
    2       0               0..7  Velocity Curve
    3       0               0..7  Aftertouch Curve
    4       0               0..1  IFX Disable
    5       0               0..1  MFX Disable
    6       0               0..1  TFX Disable
    7       0               0..1  BankMap
    8       0               0..4  Headroom
    9       0               0..2  SPDIFSampleRate
   10       -                  -  (reserved)
   11       0               0..1  KnobFaderMode
   12    0..5             0..127  Audio Input Level
   13    0..5             0..127  Audio Input Pan
   14    0..5              0..25  Audio Input Bus Select
   15    0..5             0..127  Audio Input Send1
   16    0..5             0..127  Audio Input Send2
   17    0..5               0..2  Audio Input FX Control Bus
   18    0..5               0..6  Audio Input HDR Bus
   19       0               0..4  LRBusIndivAssign
   20       0              0..15  Global MIDI Channel
   21       0               0..1  Local On
   22       0               0..1  MIDI Convert Position
   23       0               0..2  Note Receive
   24       0               0..4  MIDI Clock Source
   25       0               0..1  VectorMIDIOut
   26       0               0..1  Program Change Enable
   27       0               0..1  Bank Change Enable
   28       0               0..1  Combi Change Enable
   29       0               0..1  Aftertouch Enable
   30       0               0..1  Control Change Enable
   31       -                  -  (internal)
   32       0              0..54  FootSwitchAssign
   33       0              0..31  FootPedalAssign
   34       0               0..1  Damper Polarity
   35       0               0..1  Footswitch Polarity
   36       0            -1..119  VJS X Assignment
   37       0            -1..119  VJS Y Assignment
   38       0            -99..99  User Octave Scale
   39       0            -99..99  User All Note Scale
   40    0..7              0..16  Ext Mode Knob MIDI Channel
   41    0..7            -1..119  Ext Mode Knob MIDI CC Assign
   42    0..7              0..16  Ext Mode Play/Mute switch MIDI Channel
   43    0..7            -1..119  Ext Mode Play/Mute switch MIDI CC Assign
   44    0..7              0..16  Ext Mode Select switch MIDI Channel
   45    0..7            -1..119  Ext Mode Select switch MIDI CC Assign
   46    0..8              0..16  Ext Mode Slider MIDI Channel
   47    0..8            -1..119  Ext Mode Slider MIDI CC Assign
   48       0             0..128  Ext Mode Set Select
   49    0..5               0..1  Audio input mute
   50    0..5               0..1  Audio input solo
   51       0               0..2  Audio clock source
   52       0               0..1  SEQ Mode Track MIDI Out
   53       0               0..1  SEQ Mode Param MIDI Out
   54       0              0..22  Perf Change Hold Time
   55       0              0..15  Program Drum Track MIDI Channel
   56       0               0..1  Show MS/WS/DKit Graphics
   57       0               0..1  Mute Mode (Studio/Live)

Note that parameters 38 (User Octave Scale) and 39 (User All Note Scale) require
special formatting. See below.

Drum Kit

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0    0..6             1..127  Bottom Velocity
    1    0..6               0..2  Velocity XFade Shape
    2    0..6             0..127  Velocity XFade Range
    3    0..7             0..255  Legacy Sample Bank (deprecated)
    4    0..7           0..65534  Sample Id
    5       0               0..2  FX Control Bus
    6    0..7               0..1  Sample On/Off
    7    0..7               0..8  Start Offset
    8    0..7               0..1  Sample Reverse
    9    0..7            -99..99  Level
   10    0..7            -64..63  Transpose
   11    0..7            -99..99  Tune
   12    0..7            -64..63  Cutoff
   13    0..7            -64..63  Resonance
   14    0..7            -64..63  Attack
   15    0..7            -64..63  Decay
   16    0..7            -99..99  Drive
   17    0..7            -99..99  Low Boost
   18    0..7            -72..72  EQ High Gain
   19    0..7            -72..72  EQ Mid Gain
   20    0..7            -72..72  EQ Low Gain
   21       0               0..1  Assign
   22       0               0..1  Single Trigger
   23       0             0..127  Exclusive Group
   24       0               0..1  Receive Note On
   25       0               0..1  Receive Note Off
   26       0              0..25  Bus Select
   27       0             0..127  Pan
   28       0             0..127  Send 1 Level
   29       0             0..127  Send 2 Level
   30    0..7               uuid  Sample Bank UUID

note: index selects velocity zone

Wave Sequence

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0               0..1  Run Sequence
    1       0               0..1  Note-On Advance
    2       0               0..1  Time/Tempo Mode
    3       0               0..6  Swing Resolution
    4       0              0..63  Start Step
    5       0              0..63  End Step
    6       0              0..77  Start Step AMS Source
    7       0            -63..63  Start Step AMS Intensity
    8       0              0..77  Duration AMS Source
    9       0             1..400  Duration AMS Intensity
   10       0              0..77  Position AMS Source
   11       0            -63..63  Position AMS Intensity
   12       0              0..63  Loop Start
   13       0              0..63  Loop End
   14       0             0..128  Loop Repeat
   15       0               0..2  Loop Direction
   16   0..63               0..2  Step Type
   17   0..63             0..255  Legacy MS Bank Select (deprecated)
   18   0..63           0..16382  Multisample Select
   19   0..63             0..127  Level
   20   0..63        -1200..1200  Tune
   21   0..63            -24..24  Transpose
   22   0..63               0..1  Reverse
   23   0..63               0..8  Start Offset
   24   0..63             0..127  AMS1 Output
   25   0..63             0..127  AMS2 Output
   26   0..63             0..146  Duration
   27   0..63              0..10  Tempo Base Note
   28   0..63              1..32  Tempo Multiplier
   29   0..63             0..145  Crossfade
   30   0..63          -128..127  Fade-Out Shape
   31   0..63          -128..127  Fade-In Shape
   32       0             -1..63  Solo Step
   33   0..63               uuid  MS Bank Select UUID

note: index selects step

Message Formats

  F0 42 3g 68 43  0F  00 00    F7

        pp: (7-bit) for parameter ids in the range of 0..126
        7F pp pp: (14-bit, MSB first) for parameter ids in the range of 127..16383 (deprecated)
        single-byte value from table
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first

User Octave Scale:
  F0 42 3g 68 43  0F  00  26   F7

        0..11: C..B
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first

User All Note Scale:
  F0 42 3g 68 43  0F  00 00 27   F7

        MIDI note number
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first

Set Current Object (for drum kit and wave sequence editing):
  F0 42 3g 68 71   F7

        00: drum kit
        01: wave sequence
        id id: 14-bit value, MSB first, of the object to be selected for editing

Drum Kit:
  F0 42 3g 68 53     F7

        single-byte value from table. typically velocity zone selection (0..3).
        MIDI note number
        single-byte param id
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first

  F0 42 3g 68 54      F7

  , , 
        (as above)
        02: 16-byte UUID
        binary value converted to 7-bit sys/ex data (see *3 in KRONOS_MIDI_SysEx.txt)

Wave Sequence:
  F0 42 3g 68 55    F7

        single-byte value from table. typically step number (0..63).
        single-byte param id
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first

  F0 42 3g 68 56     F7

        (as above)
        02: 16-byte UUID
        binary value converted to 7-bit sys/ex data (see *3 in KRONOS_MIDI_SysEx.txt)