
This file was generated automatically.  Do not edit by hand.


comp  sub                name
----  ---  --------------------------------
 127    0  EP-1 Patch
   0    0  3-Band EQ
   1    0  Common KeyTrack 1
   2    0  Common KeyTrack 2
   3    0  Pan/Output
   4    0  AMS Mixer 1
   5    0  AMS Mixer 2
   6    0  LFO 1
   7    0  LFO 2
   8    0  Amp EG
   9    0  Filter EG
  10    0  Pitch EG
  11    0  EP Osc
  12    0  Amp
  13    0  IFX Slot

EP-1 Patch (comp 127, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0              0..97  VoiceDelay
    1       0               0..5  Model Type
    2       0               0..9  IFX Type
    3       0             0..100  T Volume
    4       0              0..77  T Volume AMS Source
    5       0          -100..100  T Volume AMS Int
    6       0          -100..100  T Treble
    7       0              0..77  T Treble AMS Source
    8       0          -100..100  T Treble AMS Int
    9       0          -100..100  T Bass
   10       0              0..77  T Bass AMS Source
   11       0          -100..100  T Bass AMS Int
   12       0               0..1  T Tremolo On/Off
   13       0              0..77  T Tremolo On/Off AMS Source
   14       0               0..1  T Tremolo On/Off AMS Switch Mode
   15       0             0..100  T Tremolo Speed
   16       0              0..77  T Tremolo Speed AMS Source
   17       0          -100..100  T Tremolo Speed AMS Int
   18       0             0..100  T Tremolo Intensity
   19       0              0..77  T Tremolo Intensity AMS Source
   20       0          -100..100  T Tremolo Intensity AMS Int
   21       0               0..1  T Cabinet On/Off
   22       0              0..77  T Cabinet On/Off AMS Source
   23       0               0..1  T Cabinet On/Off AMS Switch Mode
   24       0             0..100  T Cabinet Drive
   25       0              0..77  T Cabinet Drive AMS Source
   26       0          -100..100  T Cabinet Drive AMS Int
   27       0             0..100  R Volume
   28       0              0..77  R Volume AMS Source
   29       0          -100..100  R Volume AMS Int
   30       0             0..100  R Vibrato
   31       0              0..77  R Vibrato AMS Source
   32       0          -100..100  R Vibrato AMS Int
   33       0             0..100  R Speed
   34       0              0..77  R Speed AMS Source
   35       0          -100..100  R Speed AMS Int
   36       0               0..1  R Cabinet On/Off
   37       0              0..77  R Cabinet On/Off AMS Source
   38       0               0..1  R Cabinet On/Off AMS Switch Mode
   39       0             0..100  R Cabinet Drive
   40       0              0..77  R Cabinet Drive AMS Source
   41       0          -100..100  R Cabinet Drive AMS Int
   42       0               0..1  IFX Enable

3-Band EQ (comp 0, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0               0..1  Bypass
    1       0              0..99  InputTrim
    2       0            -36..36  Low
    3       0             0..165  MidFreq
    4       0            -36..36  Mid
    5       0            -36..36  High

Common KeyTrack 1 (comp 1, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0             0..127  LowKey
    1       0             0..127  MidKey
    2       0             0..127  HighKey
    3       0          -100..100  LowRamp
    4       0          -100..100  MidLowRamp
    5       0          -100..100  MidHighRamp
    6       0          -100..100  HighRamp

Common KeyTrack 2 (comp 2, sub 0)

    see Common KeyTrack 1 (comp 1, sub 0)

Pan/Output (comp 3, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0               0..1  PanUseDrumkitSetting
    1       0              0..77  PanAMSSource
    2       0            -99..99  PanAMSIntensity
    3       0             0..127  Pan
    4       0             0..127  Send 1 Level
    5       0             0..127  Send 2 Level
    6       0             0..127  Patch Level
    7       0               0..1  Patch Mute
    8       0               0..1  Patch Solo (not stored)

AMS Mixer 1 (comp 4, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0               0..6  Mixer Type
    1       0              0..77  Source A
    2       0            -99..99  Amount A
    3       0              0..77  Source B
    4       0            -99..99  Amount B
    5       0              0..77  Amt A x B: Source A (deprecated. use Source A)
    6       0            -99..99  Amt A x B: Amount A (deprecated. use Amount A)
    7       0              0..77  Amt A x B: Source B (deprecated. use Source B)
    8       0            -99..99  Amt A x B: Amount B (deprecated. use Amount B)
    9       0              0..77  Offset: Source (deprecated. use Source A)
   10       0          -199..199  Offset: Amount
   11       0          -199..199  Offset: Offset
   12       0              0..77  Smoothing: Source (deprecated. use Source A)
   13       0              0..99  Smoothing: Attack
   14       0              0..99  Smoothing: Decay
   15       0              0..77  Shape: Source (deprecated. use Source A)
   16       0            -99..99  Shape: Shape
   17       0               0..1  Shape: Mode
   18       0              0..77  Quantize: Source (deprecated. use AMS Source A)
   19       0              2..32  Quantize: Steps
   20       0              0..77  Gate: Source
   21       0            -99..99  Gate: Threshold
   22       0               0..1  Gate: Control at Note-on only
   23       0               0..1  Gate: Below Threshold Use AMS
   24       0               0..1  Gate: At/Above Threshold Use AMS
   25       0              0..77  Gate: Below Threshold AMS Source Select (deprecated. use Source A)
   26       0              0..77  Gate: At/Above Threshold AMS Source Select (deprecated. use Source B)
   27       0            -99..99  Gate: Below Threshold Fixed Value
   28       0            -99..99  Gate: At/Above Threshold Fixed Value

AMS Mixer 2 (comp 5, sub 0)

    see AMS Mixer 1 (comp 4, sub 0)

LFO 1 (comp 6, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0              0..17  Waveform
    1       0            -36..37  Start Phase
    2       0            -99..99  Shape
    3       0              0..77  Shape AMS Source
    4       0            -99..99  Shape AMS Intensity
    5       0              0..99  Frequency
    6       0              0..99  FrequencyFine
    7       0               0..1  Stop
    8       0            -99..99  Offset
    9       0               0..1  KeySync
   10       0              0..99  Fade
   11       0              0..99  Delay
   12       0              0..77  FrequencyAMS1Source
   13       0            -99..99  FrequencyAMS1Intensity
   14       0              0..77  FrequencyAMS1ModSource
   15       0            -99..99  FrequencyAMS1ModIntensity
   16       0              0..77  FrequencyAMS2Source
   17       0            -99..99  FrequencyAMS2Intensity
   18       0               0..1  MIDITempoSync
   19       0               0..9  MIDITempoSyncBaseNote
   20       0              1..32  MIDITempoSyncTimes

LFO 2 (comp 7, sub 0)

    see LFO 1 (comp 6, sub 0)

Amp EG (comp 8, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0            -99..99  Start Level
            1                     Attack Level
            2                     Breakpoint Level
            3                     Sustain Level
            4                     Release Level
    1       0              0..99  Attack Time
            1                     Decay Time
            2                     Slope Time
            3                     Release Time
    2       0              0..10  Attack Curve
            1                     Decay Curve
            2                     Slope Curve
            3                     Release Curve
    3       0              0..77  LevelModAMS1Source
    4       0            -99..99  Start Lvl Mod Intens
            1                     Attack Lvl Mod Intens
            2                     Breakpoint Lvl Mod Intens
    5       0              0..77  LevelModAMS2Source
    6       0            -99..99  Start Lvl Mod Intens
            1                     Attack Lvl Mod Intens
            2                     Breakpoint Lvl Mod Intens
    7       0              0..77  TimeModAMS1Source
    8       0            -99..99  Attack Time Mod Intens
            1                     Decay Time Mod Intens
            2                     Slope Time Mod Intens
            3                     Release Time Mod Intens
    9       0              0..77  TimeModAMS2Source
   10       0            -99..99  Attack Time Mod Intens
            1                     Decay Time Mod Intens
            2                     Slope Time Mod Intens
            3                     Release Time Mod Intens
   11       0              0..77  TimeModAMS3Source
   12       0            -99..99  Attack Time Mod Intens
            1                     Decay Time Mod Intens
            2                     Slope Time Mod Intens
            3                     Release Time Mod Intens
   13       0              0..77  ResetAMSSource
   14       0            -99..99  ResetAMSThreshold

Filter EG (comp 9, sub 0)

    see Amp EG (comp 8, sub 0)

Pitch EG (comp 10, sub 0)

    see Amp EG (comp 8, sub 0)

EP Osc (comp 11, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0          -100..200  PitchSlope
    1       0            -60..60  Ribbon
    2       0            -60..12  PitchBendUp
    3       0            -60..12  PitchBendDown
    4       0             0..100  Osc Level
    5       0              0..77  Osc Level AMS Src
    6       0          -100..100  Osc Level AMS Int
    7       0          -100..100  Decay
    8       0              0..77  Decay AMS Src
    9       0          -100..100  Decay AMS Int
   10       0          -100..100  Release
   11       0              0..77  Release AMS Src
   12       0          -100..100  Release AMS Int
   13       0             0..100  Key Down Noise Level
   14       0              0..77  Key Down Noise Level AMS Src
   15       0          -100..100  Key Down Noise Level AMS Int
   16       0             0..100  Key Up Noise Level
   17       0              0..77  Key Up Noise Level AMS Src
   18       0          -100..100  Key Up Noise Level AMS Int
   19       0            -36..36  Noise Tone
   20       0              0..77  Noise Tone AMS Src
   21       0            -36..36  Noise Tone AMS Int
   22       0          -100..100  Hammer Width
   23       0              0..77  Hammer Width AMS Src
   24       0          -100..100  Hammer Width AMS Int

Amp (comp 12, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0             0..127  Level
    1       0              0..77  AMSSource
    2       0            -99..99  AMSIntensity

Message Formats:
  F0 42 3g 68 43       F7

        09: HD-1 patch 1
        0A: HD-1 patch 2
        0B: EXi patch 1
        0C: EXi patch 2
        single-byte values from table
        pp: (7-bit) for parameter ids in the range of 0..126
        7F pp pp: (14-bit, MSB first) for parameter ids in the range of 127..16383 (deprecated)
        single-byte value from table
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first

  F0 42 3g 68 44        F7

  , , 
        (as above)
        pp: parameter id
        (as above)
        02: 16-byte UUID
        binary value converted to 7-bit sys/ex data (see *3 in KRONOS_MIDI_SysEx.txt)

EP-1 Tone Adjust

assign  type        value                      name
------  ----  -----------------  --------------------------------
     0     -                  -  Off
    30   Rel            -99..99  Common LFO Speed
    31   Abs               0..1  Unison Enable
    32   Abs              2..16  Unison Num Voices
    33   Abs             0..200  Unison Detune
    34   Abs               0..9  Unison Thickness
    35   Abs              0..99  Common Step Seq Attack
    36   Abs              0..99  Common Step Seq Decay

    48   Abs             0..100  Harmonic Sound Level
    49   Abs          -100..100  Harmonic Sound Decay
    50   Abs          -100..100  Harmonic Sound Release
    51   Abs             0..100  Attack Noise Level
    52   Abs             0..100  Release Noise Level
    53   Abs            -36..36  Attack Tone
    54   Abs          -100..100  Hammer Width
    55   Abs             0..100  Volume
    56   Abs          -100..100  Tine Treble
    57   Abs          -100..100  Tine Bass
    58   Abs               0..1  Tine Vibrato On/Off
    59   Abs             0..100  Vibrato Speed
    60   Abs             0..100  Vibrato Intensity
    61   Abs               0..1  Cabinet On/Off
    62   Abs             0..100  Cabinet Drive
    63   Abs             5..210  IFX Speed
    64   Abs             0..100  IFX Depth
    65   Abs             0..100  IFX Resonance
    66   Abs             1..100  IFX Attack
    67   Abs             0..100  IFX Wet/Dry

EP-1 AMS Sources

src                name
---  --------------------------------
  0  Off
  1  AMS Mixer 1
  2  AMS Mixer 2
  3  Common Step Seq
  4  Common LFO
  5  Keytrack 1
  6  Keytrack 2
  7  Note Number
  8  Velocity
  9  Exp Velocity
 10  Release Velocity
 11  Poly Aftertouch
 12  Aftertouch
 13  JSX
 14  JS+Y (CC#1)
 15  JS-Y (CC#2)
 16  JS+Y + AT/2
 17  JS-Y + AT/2
 18  Pedal (CC#4)
 19  Ribbon (CC#16)
 20  Slider (CC#18)
 21  Knob5 (CC#17)
 22  Knob6 (CC#19)
 23  Knob7 (CC#20)
 24  Knob8 (CC#21)
 25  Knob5 [+]
 26  Knob6 [+]
 27  Knob7 [+]
 28  Knob8 [+]
 29  Damper (CC#64)
 30  PortaSW (CC#65)
 31  Sostenuto (CC#66)
 32  Soft Pdl (CC#67)
 33  SW1 (CC#80)
 34  SW2 (CC#81)
 35  FootSW (CC#82)
 36  MIDI Ctl (CC#83)
 37  Vector JS+X (CC#85)
 38  Vector JS-X (CC#86)
 39  Vector JS+Y (CC#87)
 40  Vector JS-Y (CC#88)
 41  Tempo
 42  Off
 43  Off
 44  Off
 45  Off
 46  Off
 47  Off
 48  Off
 49  Off
 50  Off
 51  Off
 52  Off
 53  Off
 54  Off
 55  Off
 56  Off
 57  Off
 58  Off
 59  Off
 60  Off
 61  Off
 62  Off
 63  Off
 64  Off
 65  Off
 66  Off
 67  Off
 68  Off
 69  Off
 70  Off
 71  Off
 72  Off
 73  Off
 74  Off
 75  Off
 76  Off
 77  Off