O Come All Ye Faithful
Time Signature: 4/4

G              D          G                  D
O Come, all ye faith-ful, Joy-ful and tri-um-phant, O

Em          D           D    A7 D
come_ ye, O come_ ye to Beth-le-hem;

G           D         G        Em      D        
Come and be-hold Him, Born the King of an-gels; O

come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, O

D7    D                   G     D     G
come, let us a-dore Him,_ Christ_ the lord.

G      D    G        D 
God of God, Light of light

Em        D            D   A7   D 
Lo! He ab-hors not the vir-gins womb;

G    D    G        Em  D     
Very God, Begotten not created;

come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, O

D7    D                   G     D     G
come, let us a-dore Him,_ Christ_ the lord.

G               D        G               D 
Sing, choirs of an-gels, Sing with ex-ul-ta-tion,

Em          D               A7  D
Sing all ye citizens of hea-ven above,

G        D    G  Em  D
Glory to God, In the high-est!

come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, O

D7    D                   G     D     G
come, let us a-dore Him,_ Christ_ the lord.

G            D           G               D 
Yea, Lord we greet thee, Born this happy morning,

Em        D           A7 D  
Jesus, to Thee be glo-ry given,

G           D       G      Em    D
Word of the father, Now in flesh appearing

come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, O

D7    D                   G     D     G
come, let us a-dore Him,_ Christ_ the lord.