
From MAILER-DAEMON  Thu Jun 13 11:25:42 1996
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Date:         Thu, 13 Jun 1996 11:03:23 -0400
From: "L-Soft list server at AMERICAN.EDU (1.8b)"
Subject:      File: "EMUSIC-L LOG9604C"
To: Joe McMahon 
Status: O

Date:         Sat, 13 Apr 1996 23:08:05 -0700
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Tony Cappellini 
Subject:      Re: E-Mail address for Unisyn?
Comments: To: bleon@OMNIFEST.UWM.EDU

Date:    Sat, 13 Apr 1996 17:02:23 -0500
From:    Benjamin Leon 
Subject: E-Mail address for Unisyn??

>I am wondering if MOTU has an Email address for its Unisyn division?
>Anyone have any info?
>Thanks in advance.

MOTU's email addresses are


But they never respond to me, and I'm a registered owner of Unisyn.
I hope you have better luck with them.

Date:         Sun, 14 Apr 1996 12:30:39 -0400
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         "Art T. User" 
Subject:      Re: Yamaha TX816 Factory Patches

Regarding the Yamaha sound patches; have you checked with the "Synth Zone" on
the internet?  I located a original patch for a Roland D-5....while logged on
here try and locate it by clicking on GO TO
then type the word MIDI
scroll down to Synth Zone and double click
once at Synth Zone site; scroll down to Yamaha

Best of luck.

Date:         Sun, 14 Apr 1996 13:12:38 CST
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         harry haecker 
Subject:      E-Mail address for Unisyn?

>>I am wondering if MOTU has an Email address for its Unisyn division?
>>Anyone have any info?
>>Thanks in advance.

>MOTU's email addresses are


>But they never respond to me, and I'm a registered owner of
>Unisyn. I hope you have better luck with them.


ditto, here.  They don't respond to their Net address, techsupport@motu.com, but
will sometimes do so at their AOL one, which I can't remember right now...maybe
it's motutech@aol.com?

Date:         Sun, 14 Apr 1996 16:02:19 -0400
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         "John C. Witzgall" 
Subject:      Re: Professional Quality Sound

>There are numerous "bad" recordings being sold out there, I've
>unfortunately been victimized by my unexpected surprise at the sour quality
>of what I thought should have been a much better  recording on a
>"professional" label. Hey, there are good sound engineers and bad sound
>engineers. Self-produced doesn't mean squat - bad is bad. Many of these
>home produced recordings could have been much better had the artists
>allowed a good sound engineer to do their recording.

I think Alan makes a good point here, and brings up a phenomenon I didn't pay
much attention to until I read his post - just as there are recordings where
some don't like the content, there are recordings where some don't like the
sound quality. And just as there are people who buy the recordings lacking in
content (to the dismay of those who are hypersensitive to good content),
there are those who buy recordings defficient in sound quality (to the dismay
of people like Alan). I, myself am in this latter category of record buyers.
I still can't tell the difference between the BBC Hot Fives & 7s and Columbia
Record's version. Some people are just completely insensitive to sound color
and will accept bullshit.

I think what Reuben is asking is "How do I reach a 'standard' of sound
quality that is acceptable in the recording market? "  not " How do I reach a
'standard' of sound quality that shows I can hear different mixes in my head,
know which ones I want, and know how to get them." Now probably the second
standard is more reliable to strive for than the first, but for all you
EMUSIC engineer types, is the first standard entirely a market chimera or is
there some consensus of sound quality out there (for synth and synth-pop)? I
really don't know. PEace. J
Date:         Sun, 14 Apr 1996 15:56:48 -0500
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Benjamin Leon 
Subject:      Re: E-Mail address for Unisyn?

Is that the correct address for aol??
Ben Leon
Date:         Sun, 14 Apr 1996 16:19:29 -0500
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Benjamin Leon 
Subject:      Anyone use Unisyn and an MKS-70??

I have an Mks 70 roland super JX, I have 6-banks saved under Galaxy format.
There is no editor in the opcode vocabulary for this unit.
I have asked nicely and they just ignore the basic consumer..
I would like to try Unisyn.  I understand that they do have and ED and LIB for
the MKS-70 module and supposedly can transfer Galaxy banks to Unisyn.
Anyone done this at all?? anyone have the Unisyn prgm and the MKS and has done
great things.
Anyone?  Anyone.
Date:         Sun, 14 Apr 1996 15:45:14 -0700
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Nathanael W Berry 
Subject:      Re: Compressors/Exciters/Maximizers

>From:    Gerry Pawluk 

[request for definition of]
> "high frequency enhancer" ... "aural exciters" ... "sonic maximizers"

        A can of worms with marketing hype thrown in for good measure! A hf
enhancer can be almost anything, including a simple eq circuit. The device
may have a special "shape" for the high frequency knob that is a bit more
complex than a generic graphic EQ slider. It also may have the ability to
"relax" compression on high frequency material. Compressors with side chain
inputs can perform a similar (potentially more flexible) function by use of
an external EQ unit. An (Aphex) aural exciter actually generates high
frequency components (hopefully based on your input signal), adding material
to your signal. The BBE sonic maximizers perform a slight phase shift over a
couple/few frequency ranges and perform a dynamic amplitude adjustment
usually based on mid and hi frequency signal content. They do not actually
add to the material, but perform dynamically, so are not equivalent to a
static EQ. As for your "high frequency enhancer" ...hard to tell! I believe
Aphex and BBE have trademarks on their process names, but that does not stop
a sales person from saying "it works like...", sometimes whether it does or

Date:         Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:40:31 +1000
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         David Rodger 
Subject:      Re: Compressors/Exciters/Maximizers

Hi emusicians,
maybe some of you are wondering why a compressor might even _have_ a

> high frequency enhancer

Well, a compressor can sometimes filter out some high frequencies in the
attack of a sound (as it 'squashes' the transient).  The enhancer is
presumably included to make up for this.

Of course, one has to ask whether a well-designed compressor actually needs
one.  A good circuit should not filter too much of the high frequencies
unless you do something stupid like a comp ratio of 20:1 at a low threshold.
Still, I can't judge the device that Gerry is considering because I don't
know what it is and even if I did I probably wouldn't be familiar with it.

Regards, David
Date:         Mon, 15 Apr 1996 08:56:00 -0700
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Peter Mueller 
Subject:      Re: Berklee's Music Production Workshop
Comments: To: ghose@INTERLOG.COM

I was considering attending the Music Production Workshop at Berklee College
of Music from July 19-21.  I was wondering if anyone knows if this workshop
is worth the money ($350)?

Reuben J. Ghose
     I don't know about that one, but another good thing in Boston is the
     electronic music one at BEEP studios.

>-- Saved internet headers (useful for debugging)
>Received: from atlanta.american.edu by mail.ucsd.edu; id OAA24576 sendmail 8.6.
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>Date:         Sat, 13 Apr 1996 16:52:14 -0400
>Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List 
>Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List 
>From: "Reuben J. Ghose" 
>Subject:      Berklee's Music Production Workshop
>To: Multiple recipients of list EMUSIC-L 
Date:         Mon, 15 Apr 1996 10:22:13 PDT
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Andrew Sharpe 
Subject:      Minimalism (was Re: Professional Quality Sound)

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not where there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

        - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

On Apr 13, 11:09am, nick@cassiel.com (Nick Rothwell) wrote:
: Quite. What's that quote:
: A work of art is finished, not when nothing more can be added, but when
: nothing more can be taken away.
:                            Nick Rothwell, CASSIEL
Date:         Mon, 15 Apr 1996 12:40:02 -0700
Reply-To:     Mario Milat 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Mario Milat 
Subject:      regarding pro sound & standards
In-Reply-To:  <199604150500.BAA124133@atlanta.american.edu>

Reuben asked a question which was interpreted quite differently by a lot
of us. To give him useful advice on aesthetics of Music and/or Recording
techniques would be totally unrealistic. What works for Pearl Jam
obviously wouldn't work for Kenny G. My best guess is that the question
was supposed to be: "Can I achieve _technically correct transfer_ and
_mimic_ professional recording of my MIDI to the cassette?"  My answer
would be 'yes', could he achieve _the_ professional level? No way!

There is to much of _everything_ sold (and bought!) as 'pro' that actually
doesn't complain to the pro-standards at all. A lot of the studio
recording practices are non professional (emphasing, mono-stereo
noncompatibility, most of the digital audio compression, dithering,
floating ground, even level compression in classical music, etc.), not to
mention the use of the quasi-pro equipment. The standard that de facto
rules the audio industry is defined by AES/EBU (Audio Engineering
Society/European Broadcast Union) - since _all_ of the music recorded
attempts to end up broadcasted or mass marketed you want your recording to
sound equally pristine on any station or CD player around the world. This
standard defines all sorts of technical issues, resulting in related
recording/broadcasting practices, also specifies one of the many sources
of confusion worth explaining: the recording format/medium.

The compact cassette, as the medium, is _not_ defined as the professional
format, therefore, one can't achieve 'professional results recording on a
cassette'. Even if you think you did, you won't be able to play it because
in a pro recording/broadcast studio it would be transfered to tape to
avoid possible embarrassment due to mechanical nonreliability of the
cassette. For the same (and not the only one) reason, ADAT is _not_ a
professional format. Any serious editing of the VHS cassette (Video _Home_
System, remember?) would cause the damage/loss of information on it.
MiniDisc, either, uses destructive compressing algorithms. Digidesign Pro
Tools III breaks some of the pro rules...

The only pro recording formats are Orange Book CD (RCD), (16 bits linear,
uncompressed), studio tape (1/4", 19"/sec +), digital open reel tape (two PCM
formats) and the latest, magneto-optical disc (Studer D424). Some HD based
systems are establishing themselves as a pro recorders (Fairlight, Studer
Dynaxis, for instance). DAT managed to sneak in because it was used as a
transfering format from analog to digital and for portable (ENG) use but
it's generally _avoided_ because of already mentioned mechanical unstability
and low storage life... blah, blah... time for lunch...
Date:         Mon, 15 Apr 1996 18:59:57 -0400
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         David Crandall 
Subject:      Re: Minimalism (was Re: Professional Quality Sound)
In-Reply-To:  <9604151022.aa06128@ergo.sco.com>

On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, Andrew Sharpe wrote:

> "A designer knows he has achieved perfection not where there is
> nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
>         - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

See also one of my favorite remarks from Raymond Carver where he said he
knew a story was done when he finally rewrote it by putting back everything
he'd taken out in the previous pass...
Date:         Mon, 15 Apr 1996 19:44:50 -0400
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Gerry Pawluk 
Subject:      Re: Compressors/Exciters/Maximizers

Thanks for the responses.

Based on those and the literature for the Aphex Aural Exciter and the BBE Sonic
Maximizer, it appears that having both of these units may not be cost effective.

Both seem to enhance the low end, and "bring clarity" to the mid to upper Hz.

Would this be a fair statement?
Date:         Tue, 16 Apr 1996 10:05:12 -0500
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         "Matthew G. Champagne" 
Subject:      Re: Minimalism (was Re: Professional Quality Sound)

>On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, Andrew Sharpe wrote:
>> "A designer knows he has achieved perfection not where there is
>> nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
>>         - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
>See also one of my favorite remarks from Raymond Carver where he said he
>knew a story was done when he finally rewrote it by putting back everything
>he'd taken out in the previous pass...

And wasn't it Albert Einstein who said "Make it as simple as possible, but
not simpler"?


Matthew Champagne: mchampagne@linknet.net
Date:         Tue, 16 Apr 1996 08:52:34 -0700
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Craig Marks 
Subject:      MTP II
Comments: cc: "Electronic music \"gearhead\" list" 

Hi everybody!

I'm running into a strange "Situation" with my MIDI Time Piece II.  At any
given time, it will just decide that, instead of sending the MIDI info
through the correct channels, it will send all the info to all of the
channels.  Originally, I thought that this only occurred when I switched
the thru button from thru to midi after midi info was running to the MTPII.
However, I'm noticing that it sometimes begins at power up.  I haven't
been able to determine any reason for this strange behavior.  (I definitely
spend far too much time with my equipment! I talk about it as if it were a
person!  ;)   ).  I haven't found a workaround to fix the "situation"
either.  Hitting the panic button sends the all note off command, but then
the very next set of incoming info is routed to all channels as before.  I
usually end up flipping it on and off and quitting for a while to see if
the gremlin will go away.  Sometimes yes, sometimes no.  It's awfully
humbling when a director (or other employer-type) is over to hear a rough
mix of the music and I can't make it work!!!!
        Has anyone else had this problem before?  Any suggestions?  Could
it be a software thing?  My unit is version 1.0g.  If nothing else, does
MOTU have an online (preferably e-mail) tech support?  Thanks for the
Date:         Tue, 16 Apr 1996 09:28:00 PDT
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Andrew Sharpe 
Subject:      Re: Minimalism (was Re: Professional Quality Sound)

Or perhaps, as music is also a language:

"It often shows a fine command of a language to say nothing."

        - Sophocles

On Apr 16, 10:05am, mchampagne@linknet.net ("Matthew G. Champagne") wrote:
: >On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, Andrew Sharpe wrote:
: >
: >> "A designer knows he has achieved perfection not where there is
: >> nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
: >>
: >>         - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
: >
: >See also one of my favorite remarks from Raymond Carver where he said he
: >knew a story was done when he finally rewrote it by putting back everything
: >he'd taken out in the previous pass...
: And wasn't it Albert Einstein who said "Make it as simple as possible, but
: not simpler"?
: -matt
: --
: Matthew Champagne: mchampagne@linknet.net
Date:         Tue, 16 Apr 1996 20:07:55 +0100
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Nick Rothwell 
Subject:      Re: Minimalism (was Re: Professional Quality Sound)

>"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not where there is
>nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
>        - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

That's the one. Add a side-order of the one about works of art never being
finished, just abandoned.

                           Nick Rothwell, CASSIEL

             years, passing by, VCO, VCF, and again, and again
Date:         Tue, 16 Apr 1996 14:24:16 -0700
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Spamboy 
Subject:      Roland s760

I will probably have to buy a sampler for my next gig.  Believe it or
not, I've made a bunch of money from just a T1, Proteus 2, and a GM
module.  I'm limited orchestrally, even with the Proteus 2, and I either
need a sampler or the Roland 1080.  I'm pretty sure a sampler would be
more beneficial in the long run, but would the s760 be a good
investment?  Thanks a bunch.

Randy Budnikas        * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  Randy@isaac.biola.edu
8182 Glengarry Green  *SPACE MONKEY ENTERPRISES *           714-522-BITE
Buena Park, CA 90621  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * fax/modem:714-522-6323
Date:         Wed, 17 Apr 1996 01:02:55 -0700
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Chris Anthes 
Subject:      Unsubscribe request for list-owner(s)!
Comments: To: Synth , Wind 

Please forgive me for my use of the list for this, but I sent requests to
the list owners a couple of weeks ago and I got no response.  Thanks.


I need to be unsubscribed from the list at my old address because I am
receiving 2 copies of all mail now.  My old address is
"ChrisA@eworld.com".  I no longer can send mail from this account, but
all mail from this account is still being forwarded to me (temporarily).
LISTSERV will not let me unsubscribe using an address.  I have already
subscribed using my new address (canthes@earthlink.net), so please don't
unsubscribe me from that address.



*  Good things come to those who wait,                               *
*  But crap shows up right away.                        - Rich Hall  *
*                                 *          *
*  Chris Anthes                   *    *
Date:         Wed, 17 Apr 1996 06:19:23 -0500
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         "Alan M. Bookmiller" 
Subject:      Books and how to get them...

Hello fellow list members...

I have had quite a few requests from list members concerning books
available on the subjects of recording and sound studios. Hope Joe doesn't
mind too much if I address everyone on the list with this information, but
in this way I won't have to respond individually. For those interested,
McGraw-Hill Companies has a searchable catalog online at
(www.books.mcgraw-hill.com). If you do a subject or title search on
keywords such as studio, recording, acoustics, etc. it should provide you
with the information that you need ie., title, author info, synopsis, price
and ordering instructiuons. Thanks for your interest. Thanks Joe.

Alan Bookmiller
McGraw-Hill Companies Professional Book Group

tabbooks@pa.net (Alan M. Bookmiller)
Date:         Wed, 17 Apr 1996 14:50:13 -0400
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Joe Miklojcik 
Subject:      MidiShare, anybody?

I'm fishing for opinions.  Has anyone had any experience with the MidiShare
"MIDI operating system"?


Opinions above are mine alone.
Date:         Wed, 17 Apr 1996 17:15:53 -0400
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         David Crandall 
Subject:      Deck vs Digidesign

This may be slightly off-topic, but can anyone guide me to an on-line or
in-print review/comparison of OSC's Deck vs Digidesign's
Audiomedia/ProTools products?  Our school is considering a DAW setup and I
want to evaluate the advantages of ProTools' strength in the professional
arena against Deck's lower cost.

Personal war stories also welcome.

Date:         Wed, 17 Apr 1996 23:42:59 -0400
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Kent Margraves 
Subject:      Re: EMUSIC-L Digest - 15 Apr 1996 to 16 Apr 1996

Well put!!!!!!!!!!!
Date:         Thu, 18 Apr 1996 11:15:17 MET-1METDST
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Snakes-eater 
Organization: ISIS PW
Subject:      4000$ for shopping

 Yes, my friend (and my boss) want to buy some stuff for making
 DANCE-RAVE-TECHNO music. He needs all - keyboard, sequencer, mixer
and ofcourse sampler and expandable(!) sound modules.
p.s. he wants Atari ST as a seq.
         L  ADRIAN
     I        XCHRYK@WODNIK.iis.pw.edu.pl
Date:         Thu, 18 Apr 1996 10:54:41 -0400
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Shirley Anderson 
Subject:      Re: Berklee's Music Production Workshop

Date:         Thu, 18 Apr 1996 12:16:32 CST
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         harry haecker 
Subject:      pc virus- NOT the bogus "Good times"
Comments: To: synth-l@american.edu, K2000@AMERICAN.EDU

I am forwarding this message to y'all...I don't think it's bogus, like the
stupid "Good Times" virus.

Harry Haecker


We work closely with the military and received this message from a very
reliable source in DC this morning.

A NEW Trojan Horse Virus has emerged on the internet with the name
PKZIP300.ZIP, so named as to give the impression that this file is a new
version of the PKZIP software used to "ZIP" (compress) files.

DO NOT DOWNLOAD this file under any circumstances!!! If you install or
expand this file, the virus WILL wipe your hard disk clean and affect
modems at 14.4 and higher. This is an extremely destructive virus and
there is NOT yet a way of cleaning up this one.


Ted Chapin
Research Associate
Wildlife Ecology
202 Nutting
Sean Murphy                      "Art is Process, not Product"
Maine Image Analysis Laboratory         Attributed to Picasso
University of Maine
(207) 581-2831
Fernando A. Gonzalez
1020 N.Quincy St. - #18
Arlington, VA 22201
tel: (703)527-0673
fax: (703)527-0629
Date:         Thu, 18 Apr 1996 12:27:28 -0600
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Macalester College Music Department 
Subject:      Re: EMUSIC-L Digest - 15 Apr 1996 to 16 Apr 1996
In-Reply-To:  "Your message dated Wed, 17 Apr 1996 23:42:59 -0400"

> Well put!!!!!!!!!!!

To what does this refer, please?

+ Ed Forner                         Macalester College Music Department +
+ forner@macalstr.edu               voice (612) 696-6189                +
Date:         Thu, 18 Apr 1996 15:07:44 -0600
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Macalester College Music Department 
Subject:      Re: pc virus- NOT the bogus "Good times"
In-Reply-To:  "Your message dated Thu, 18 Apr 1996 12:16:32 -0600 (CST)"

> I am forwarding this message to y'all...I don't think it's bogus, like the
> stupid "Good Times" virus.
> Harry Haecker
> (haeckerh@nwrc.gov)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> We work closely with the military and received this message from a very
> reliable source in DC this morning.
> A NEW Trojan Horse Virus has emerged on the internet with the name
> PKZIP300.ZIP, so named as to give the impression that this file is a new
> version of the PKZIP software used to "ZIP" (compress) files.
> DO NOT DOWNLOAD this file under any circumstances!!! If you install or
> expand this file, the virus WILL wipe your hard disk clean and affect
> modems at 14.4 and higher. This is an extremely destructive virus and
> there is NOT yet a way of cleaning up this one.
> Ted Chapin
> Research Associate
> Wildlife Ecology
> 202 Nutting
> 1-1340
> __________________________________________________________
> **********************************************************************
> Sean Murphy                      "Art is Process, not Product"
> Maine Image Analysis Laboratory         Attributed to Picasso
> University of Maine
> (207) 581-2831
> **********************************************************************
> ********************************
> Fernando A. Gonzalez
> 1020 N.Quincy St. - #18
> Arlington, VA 22201
> U.S.A.
> tel: (703)527-0673
> fax: (703)527-0629
> fgonzalez@igc.apc.org
> ********************************

This also, is bogus. Try reaching any of the sigs on the messages. You will
see. Please dont pass this around. Again.

+ Ed Forner                         Macalester College Music Department +
+ forner@macalstr.edu               voice (612) 696-6189                +
Date:         Fri, 19 Apr 1996 09:03:18 -1100
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Tim Robinson 


Is there a MIDI instruction that disables attack and decay on a given

Normally, when you send three notes:


you get three attacks and three decays:


I want to send this:


and get this:


So the question is, what do I use for LEGATO-ON and LEGATO-OFF?

Tim Robinson, (tim@liro.fri.cri.nz)              _   NZ Logging Truck
Logging Industry Research Organisation,         / | =|====|=   =|====|=
PO Box 147, Rotorua, New Zealand                |_| =|====|=   =|====|=
Ph. 0064-7-3487-168   Fax. 0064-7-3462-886       OO~~~~~~OO~---OO~~~~OO
Date:         Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:58:17 -0400
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Sean 
Subject:      Re: your mail
In-Reply-To:  <1769f2c0@liro.fri.cri.nz>

If the notes are the same, i.e. same pitch, you could simply use the
sostenuto pedal which I believe is #65.  If the notes are to be
different, you might try layering patches, one with an envelope, and one
without, and simply using a footswitch to change the patch which is
responding.  Even better, if your synth can support layers with different
envelopes, you're set, just choose your trigger source to switch between
layers!  Happy hunting.

  Sean P. Finn                     French hornist, Violinist, Bass guitarist,
  921 Saint Paul Street     Recording Engineer, Electrophile, Experimentalist
  Apartment B-1                 spf21@peabody.jhu.edu   voice: (410) 783-4958
  Baltimore, MD 21202                 http://www.peabody.jhu.edu/~spf21/
"It was not big enough for an asylum, then; but it was big enough for a
        university college.  Thus it became an asylum of another kind;
           great wits are thus to madness near allied."  ---  Malcolm Bradbury
Date:         Fri, 19 Apr 1996 10:14:25 -0400
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Joe Miklojcik 

At 09:03 AM 4/19/96 -1100, you wrote:
>Normally, when you send three notes:
>you get three attacks and three decays:
>     \----\
>          \----\
>I want to send this:
>and get this:
>     -----
>          -----\
>So the question is, what do I use for LEGATO-ON and LEGATO-OFF?

Nice ASCII art there.

Many syn

Date:         Fri, 19 Apr 1996 10:19:25 -0400
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Joe Miklojcik 
Subject:      TAKE TWO.

Sorry, my mailer spits fire from time to time.

At 09:03 AM 4/19/96 -1100, you wrote:
>Normally, when you send three notes:
>you get three attacks and three decays:
>     \----\
>          \----\
>I want to send this:
>and get this:
>     -----
>          -----\
>So the question is, what do I use for LEGATO-ON and LEGATO-OFF?

Nice ASCII art there.

Many synthesizers have "Legato Mode" that can be set for a given patch and
called up with a corresponding program change.  Legato mode works by
sounding the atackless note on before the last note off.  That is to say,
the attack will only sound if no other notes are "on".  Be careful with note
numbers and channels here.

In short, set your synth patch "legato" on (if it has it) and send this:


Date:         Fri, 19 Apr 1996 11:00:18 -0500
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         ""
Subject:      Re: Professional Quality Sound
Comments: To: wd528@FREENET.VICTORIA.BC.CA

If you are wondering about "RAVE/AMBIENT/TECHNO freaks" (as
quoted in your post) read my post on the "professional quality
sound" topic, and see what you think.  Why do you not like dance
S. Teran
Date:         Fri, 19 Apr 1996 11:07:46 -0500
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         ""
Subject:      4000$ for shopping

As far as dance rave and techno music go, a definite must (coming
from a techno musician myself) is the new KORG Proficy.  The
thing is bad!  I do not have one, but I would if I had the funds.
My friend has one and it has a lot of possibilities. They have
pitch bend, and some other pretty cool effects modulation wheels
that can help you create the cool sounds of the rave scene.  If
you need more info. on the keyboard I will take a look at my
friends, and see what I can find.  Another big plus is the Bass
Station (unsure of the maker, though I want to say Noval(?)).
This is another cool little analogue synth that is capable of
producing extra low bass notes that are good for alot of dance
type music.  You might even try to get a 303 drum machine, if you
can still find one.
S. Teran
P.S. Let me know what you end up getting.
Date:         Fri, 19 Apr 1996 18:13:44 +0100
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Nick Rothwell 
Subject:      Re: 4000$ for shopping

> Yes, my friend (and my boss) want to buy some stuff for making
> DANCE-RAVE-TECHNO music. He needs all - keyboard, sequencer, mixer
>and ofcourse sampler and expandable(!) sound modules.

Hmm. You ask on the EMUSIC list. OK then: why does techno music need a
sampler? Is techno as a genre a musical style or a consequent of particular

(My album project, due early '97, is going to be 100% sampler-free.)

                           Nick Rothwell, CASSIEL

             years, passing by, VCO, VCF, and again, and again
Date:         Fri, 19 Apr 1996 15:17:18 -0400
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         "Ridderbusch, Michael" 
Subject:      tape;other

Now that I've been on the list a few months, I can say how interesting it's
been reading the thoughtful and practical advice being offered.  Not doing
studio work now, but may need help in future.

Regarding emltape:  Eric, could you return my tape submission when you're
through with it?  Please let me know.  Looking forward to compilation.
Date:         Fri, 19 Apr 1996 13:57:21 -0700
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Craig Marks 
Comments: cc: k2000@AMERICAN.EDU

I've recently discovered how useful good drum loops can be.  They have
turned my, usually, mediocre drum tracks into really good sounding ones.
Does anyone know if there is some place online to download these types of
sequenced drum loops?  Thanks.    -Craig
Date:         Sat, 20 Apr 1996 16:59:48 +0800
Reply-To:     Electronic Music Discussion List 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         TSANG WING YAN 
Subject:      unsubscribe

disconnect from emusic-l discussion list
Date:         Sat, 20 Apr 1996 14:36:51 -0700
Reply-To:     Mario Milat 
Sender:       Electronic Music Discussion List 
From:         Mario Milat 
Subject:      Re: Professional quality sound

On Fri, 19 Apr 1996 Teran_Spencer_C/nhmccd_student@mail.nhmccd.cc.tx.us wrote:

> If you are wondering about "RAVE/AMBIENT/TECHNO freaks" (as
> quoted in your post) read my post on the "professional quality
> sound" topic, and see what you think.  Why do you not like dance
> music?
> S. Teran

Did I say I don't like dance music? Not true. Let me requote (no sarcasm
this time:) what I found interesting to comment to:

>>Anyone can tweak, twist, fudge, fake, screw around with,
>>patch, demodulate, encrypt and God only knows what else to come up with an
>>OK recording, but a professional recording will only come from the ears,
>>hands and brain of a professional recording engineer.

Well, to "tweak, twist, fudge..." etc. the grooves is exactly what
basically makes the techno/ambient/rave genre what it is - variations on a
theme and rhythm (and BTW, I like that).

So, what crossed my mind: do dance music 'freaks' (= in a positive way)
think that this genre is generally recorded non-professionally?
(hard for me to tell since most of it is published on vinyl).