
viewpoint switches


        S1      1-3             baud rate      
                                000             110
                                001             150
                                010             300
                                011             1200
                                100             2400
                                101             4800
                                110             9600
                                111             19200
                4               auto-scroll
                                0               disabled
                                1               enabled
                5               auto-linefeed
                                0               disabled
                                1               enabled
                6               line mode
                                0               half duplex
                                1               full duplex
                7-8             parity
                                00              odd
                                01              even
                                10              mark
                                11              space


        S2      1               char display
                                0               light
                                1               dark
                2               display parity
                                0               disabled
                                1               enabled
                3               screen refresh
                                0               60 Hz
                                1               50 Hz
                4-6             International character sets
                                000             Domestic U S
                                001             Belgium, France
                                010             Germany, Switzerland
                                011             Sweden, Finland
                                100             Denmark, Norway
                                101             Spain
                                110             United Kingdom, Netherlands
                                111             Reserved
                7               cursor display
                                0               steady
                                1               blinking
                8               cursor format
                                0               block
                                1               underline


        JP1     jumper          key click       [ enables key click ]


vpt-1a switches

Rear Panel Switch Settings

Switch                Name                Setting                Function

1,2,3                Baud Rate        000                110
                                001                300
                                010                1200
                                011                1800
                                100                2400
                                101                4800
                                110                9600
                                111                19,200
4                Auto Scroll    0                Disabled
                                1                Enabled
5                Auto Line Feed 0                Disabled
                                1                Enabled
6                Line Mode      0                Half Duplex
                                1                Full Duplex
7,8                Parity       00                Odd
                                01                Even
                                10                Marking
                                11                Spacing

0 = Up, 1 = Down

Switches are only polled at power-up, so if any settings are changed with the
terminal ON, it must be powered-up again for functions to be altered.


vpt-2 switches


vpt-3a+ switches


Switch #	Name		Setting		Function

S1-1,2,3	Data Rate	000		110
		(bps)		001		300
				010		1200
				011		1800
				100		2400
				101		4800
				110		9600
				111		19200

S1-4		Auto Scroll	0		Disabled
				1		Enabled

S1-5		Auto Line Feed	0		Disabled
				1		Enabled

S1-6		Line Mode	0		Half Duplex
				1		Full Duplex

S1-7,8		Parity		00		Odd
				01		Even
				10		Marking
				11		Spacing


S2-1		Character 	0		Light on dark
		Display		1		Dark on light

S2-2		Parity Error	0		Disabled
				1		Enabled

S2-3		Screen Refresh	0		60 Hz
				1		50 Hz

S2-4		Mode		0		3A Mode
				1		3A Plus Mode

S2-5		Clear Screen	0		Enabled
		(CTRL-Z)	1		Disabled

S2-6		Space/Adv	0		Disabled
				1		Enabled (not used in 3A+ mode)

S2-7		Cursor		0		Steady
				1		Blinking

S2-8		Cursor		0		Block
				1		Underline


Address, Absolute		ESC,=,row,column
Beep				BEL
Aux Port Enable			ESC,@
Aux Port Disable		ESC,A
Backspace			BS
Cursor back			BS
Cursor down			LF
Cursor forward			FF
Cursor home			RS
Cursor up			VT
Cursor supress			ETB
Cursor enable			CAN
Erase to end of line		ESC,T
Erase to end of page		ESC,Y
Erase screen			SUB
Keyboard lock			SI
Keyboard unlock			SO
Read current cursor position	ESC,?
Set Attribute			ESC,0,x  (see below for values of x)
Tag bit reset			ESC,(
Tag bit set			ESC,)
Transparent Print on		ESC,3
Transparent Print off		ESC,4


Normal				@
Half Intensity			A
Blinking			B
Half Intensity Blinking		C
Reverse Video			P
Reverse Video Half Intensity	Q
Reverse Video Blinking		R
Reverse Video Half Intensity
   Blinking			S
Underlined			`
Underlined Half Intensity	a
Underlined Blinking		b
Underlined Half Intensity
   Blinking			c
Video suppress			D

Jay's termcap for the thing:

p0|plus|Adds Viewpoint 3a+:\
	:cd=80\EY:ce=\ET:cl=80\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\