
1280 Refresh Buffer Interface Rationale
A Kossow
March 1985

The interface between the control,video memory, and ECL boards
( the refresh buffer ) and the CPU board was designed to permit
external access of all physical device registers ( caps, rd/wr
masks, etc.) and provides a dedicated drawing processor which
executes frequently used graphics algorithms. Subdividing the
task of manipulating the data in the refresh buffer was a trade
off between complexity of drawing processor microcode and refresh
buffer performance.

The operations performed by the drawing processor are common graphics
primitives ( move, draw, erase, bit-block transfer) or are the
refresh buffer intensive sections of more complicated algorithms
such as fills.

The number of different types of drawing primitives has been kept
small. Of the 64 possible entry points, only 25 have currently been
Primitive Number	Function
----------------        --------

0			Reset Drawing Processor/ Initialize Refresh Buffer
1			12 X 12 unsigned multiply
2			24 / 12 unsigned divide

10			Read/Write X Cap in current window space (move x)
11			Read/Write Y Cap in current window space (move y)

20			Read  Window Boundaries
21			Write Window Boundaries
22			Erase Current Window

23			Update Color Table Entry (Waits for Start of H Blank)

24			Draw Vector Absolute
25			Draw Vector Relative

26			Draw Filled Rectangle Absolute
27			Draw Filled Rectangle Relative

28			Bit-Block Transfer Absolute
29			Bit-Block Transfer Relative

2A			Draw Character

2B			Write N Pixels Along Major Axis

2C			Edge Flag Search
2D			Edge Flag Fill

2E			Interior Fill Search
2F			Interior Fill Fill

30			Overlay Fill Search
31			Overlay Fill Fill

32			General Fill Search
33			General Fill Fill
Refresh Buffer Register Summary

Read Mask		'1' Bits enable bit plane data to LUT rams
Write Mask		'1' Bits enable writing bit planes

Overlay Color		Color of bits set in the overlay plane

Lut Adr			Address of color look up table entry
Lut Red			Value of Red LUT entry at 'Lut Adr'
Lut Grn			Value of Grn LUT entry at 'Lut Adr'
Lut Blu			Value of Blu LUT entry at 'Lut Adr'

Control Reg		Controls which axis is the major axis (X or Y),
			the direction of adv in major and minor,
			enabling display or writing of the overlay plane,
			and 960/1024 vertical display format

Stipple Reg		An 8 bit recirculating shift register which
			can inhibit video memory writes. Useful for
			repeating pattern fills, or patterned line

X Cap			Current X position within refresh buffer memory
Y Cap			Current Y position within refresh buffer memory

VidNoi			Video memory data, does not advance X,Y Caps
VidMaj			Video memory data, advances major axis
VidMin			Video memory data, advances minor axis
VidBoth			Video memory data, advances major and minor axis

StpNoi			Same as Vid???, except the writing of video memory
StpMaj			is inhibited if the most significant bit of the
StpMin			stipple register is a 0

MWENoi			Same as Vid???, except a 10 horizontal pixels will
MWEMaj			be written at once.
Display Processor Register Summary

Parameter Register 0-15		Argument/Result Storage for DPU Primitives

X Pos				Current X position in window
Y Pos				Current Y position in window

FG Color			Current drawing color
BG Color			Current erase   color

Chr X				Width  of a character
Chr Y				Height of a character
Chr dX				Horizontal Inter-character spacing
Chr dY				Vertical   Inter-character spacing

XWBot				Lower Left  Corner of Current Window
XWTop				Upper Right Corner of Current Window