Files-11 On Disk Structure Specification
Digital Equipment Corporation
Maynard, MA
Files-11 On-Disk Structure Specification
Revised 15-June-1977
Revised 15-April-1981
Edited 20-September-1986
Copyright (c) 1975, 1977, 1981
Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
The material included in this functional specification, including
but not limited to instruction times and operating speeds, is for
informational purposes only. All such material is subject to
change without notice. Consequently, Digital Equipment Corpora-
tion makes no claim and shall not be liable for its accuracy.
This software is furnished under a license for use only on a sin-
gle computer system and may be copied only with the inclusion of
the above copyright notice. This software, or any other copies
thereof, may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
other person except for use on such system and to one who agrees
to these license terms. Title to and ownership of the software
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The information in this document is subject to change without
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Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for the
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plied by Digital Equipment Corporation.
This document is a specification of the on-media structure
that is used by Files-11. Files-11 is a general purpose file
structure which is intended to be the standard file structure for
all medium to large PDP-11 systems. Small systems such as RT-11
are specifically excluded because the complexity of Files-11 im-
poses too great a burden on their simplicity and small size.
This document describes structure level 1 of Files-11, also
referred to as ODS-1 (on-disk structure version 1). This is im-
plemented on the RSX-11 family, (RSX-11M, RSX-11M-Plus, IAS and
RSX-11D) and on VMS. This document describes the final level of
functionality for ODS-1. Structure level 2 (ODS-2) is im-
plemented on VMS and is the basis for all new disk structure
1.1 Summary of Revisions Made to This Specification
1. Expanded file characteristics to include most ODS-2 op-
2. Corrected H.FPRO to H.DFPR.
3. Added new fields to home block for date and count of
home block modifications.
4. Added single directory support description and home
block field.
5. Added field in home block for pack serial number
6. Added description of modified storage control block
format to support large disks.
7. Restricted maximum number of blocks supported on a
volume to 1,044,480.
8. Restricted ODS-1 to one block "clusters".
9. Restricted ODS-1 to single volume structures.
10. Clarified and expanded references to operating system
support and relationship to ODS-2.
11. Removed RMS-11 definitions, to be provided in separate
specification common to ODS-1 and ODS-2.
Files-11 is a structure which is imposed on a medium. That
medium must have certain properties, which are described in the
following section. Generally speaking, block addressable storage
devices such as disks and DECtape are suitable for Files-11;
hence, Files-11 structured media are generically referred to as
2.1 Volume
The basic medium that carries a Files-11 structure is
referred to as a volume. A volume (also often referred to as a
unit) is defined as an ordered set of logical blocks. A logical
block is an array of 512 8-bit bytes. The logical blocks in a
volume are consecutively numbered from 0 to (n-1), where the
volume contains n logical blocks.
The number assigned to a logical block is called its logical
block number, or LBN. Files-11 is theoretically capable of
describing volumes up to 2**32 blocks in size. In practice, a
volume should be at least 100 blocks in size to be useful. Cur-
rent implementations of Files-11 handle volumes up to 2**24
The logical blocks of a volume must be randomly addressable.
The volume must also allow transfers of any length up to 65K
bytes; consecutively numbered logical blocks are transferred un-
til the byte count is satisfied. In other words, the volume can
be viewed as a partitioned array of bytes. It must allow reads
and writes of arrays of any length less than 65K bytes, provided
that they start on a logical block boundary and that the length
is a multiple of four bytes. When only part of a block is writ-
ten, the contents of the remainder of that logical block are un-
2.2 Volume Sets
This section is of historical interest only. ODS-1 does not
and will not support volume sets. A volume set is a collection
of related units that are normally treated as one logical device
in the usual operating system concept. Each unit contains its
own Files-11 structure; however, files on the various units in a
volume set may be referenced with a relative volume number, which
uniquely determines which unit in the set the file is located on.
Other sections in this specification make occasional reference to
volume sets and relative volume number where "hooks" for their
implementation exist. Since volume sets have not been
implemented as yet, however, no complete specification is
provided here.
Any data in a volume or volume set that are of any interest
(i.e., all blocks not available for allocation) are contained in
a file. A file is an ordered set of virtual blocks, where a vir-
tual block is an array of 512 8-bit bytes. The virtual blocks of
a file are consecutively numbered from 1 to n, where n blocks
have been allocated to the file.
The number assigned to a virtual block is called (obviously)
its virtual block number, or VBN. Each virtual block is mapped
to a unique logical block in the volume set by Files-11. Virtual
blocks may be processed in the the same manner as logical blocks.
Any array of bytes less than 65K in length may be read or writ-
ten, provided that the transfer starts on a virtual block boun-
dary and that its length is a multiple of four bytes.
3.1 File ID
Each file in a volume set is uniquely identified by a File
ID. A File ID is a binary value consisting of 48 bits (3 PDP-11
words). It is supplied by the file system when the file is
created, and must be supplied by the user whenever he wishes to
reference a particular file.
The three words of the File ID are used as follows:
Word 1 File Number
Locates the file within a particular unit of the volume
set. File numbers must lie in the range 1 through
65,535. The set of file numbers on a unit is moderately
(but not totally) dense; at any instant in time, a file
number uniquely identifies one file within that unit.
Word 2 File Sequence Number
Identifies the current use of an individual file number
on a unit. File numbers are re-used; when a file is
deleted its file number becomes available for future use
for some other file. Each time a file number is re-used,
a different file sequence number is assigned to distin-
guish the uses of that file number. The file sequence
number is essential since is is perfectly legal for users
to remember and attempt to use a File ID long after that
file has been deleted.
Word 3 Relative Volume Number
Identifies which unit of a volume set the file is located
on. Volume sets are, at present, not implemented; the
only legal value for the relative volume number in any
context is zero.
3.2 File Header
Each file on a Files-11 volume is described by a file
header. The file header is a block that contains all the infor-
mation necessary to access the file. It is not part of the file;
rather, it is contained in the volume's index file. (The index
file is described in section 5.1). The header block is organized
into four areas, of which the first three are variable in size.
3.2.1 Header Area -
The information in the header area permits the file system
to verify that this block is in fact a file header and, in
particular, is the header being sought by the user. It contains
the file number and file sequence number of the file, as well as
its ownership and protection codes. This area also contains
offsets to the other areas of the file header, thus defining
their size. Finally, the header area contains a user attribute
area, which may be used by the user to store a limited amount of
data describing the file.
3.2.2 Ident Area -
The ident area of a file header contains identification and
accounting data about the file. Stored here are the primary name
of the file; its creation date and time; revision count, date
and time; and expiration date.
3.2.3 Map Area -
The map area describes the mapping of virtual blocks of the
file to the logical blocks of the volume. The mapping data con-
sists of a list of retrieval pointers. Each retrieval pointer
describes on logically contiguous segment of the file. The map
area also contains the linkage to the next extension segment of
the file, if such exists.
3.2.4 End Checksum -
The last two bytes of the file header contain a 16-bit addi-
tive checksum of the preceding 255 words of the file header. The
checksum is used to help verify that the block is in fact a file
3.3 Extension Headers
Since the file header is of fixed size, it is inevitable
that for some files the mapping information does not fit in the
allocated space. A file with a large amount of mapping data is
therefore represented with a chain of file headers. Each header
maps a consecutive set of virtual blocks; the extension linkage
in the map area links the headers together in order of ascending
virtual block numbers.
Multiple headers are also needed for files that span units
in a volume set. A header may only map logical blocks located on
its unit; therefore, a multi-volume file is represented by
headers on all units that contain portions of that file.
3.4 File Header - Detailed Description
This section describes in detail the items contained in the
file header. Each item is identified by a symbol which
represents the offset address of that item within its area in the
file header. Any item may be located in the file header by lo-
cating the area to which it belongs, and then adding the value of
its offset address. Users who concern themselves with the con-
tents of file headers are strongly urged to use the offset sym-
bols. The symbols may be defined in assembly language programs
by calling and invoking the macro FHDOF$, which may be found in
the macro library of any system that supports Files-11. Alterna-
tively, one may find the macro in the file F11MAC.MAC.
3.4.1 Header Area Description -
The header area of the file header always starts of byte 0.
It contains the basic information needed for checking the
validity of accesses to the file. H.IDOF 1 byte Ident Area Offset -
This byte contains the number of 16-bit words between
the start of the file header and the start of the ident
area. It defines the location of the ident area and the
size of the header area. H.MPOF 1 byte Map Area Offset -
This byte contains the number of 16-bit words between
the start of the file header and the start of the map
area. It defines the location of the map area and, to-
gether with H.IDOF, the size of the ident area. H.FNUM 2 bytes File Number -
This word contains the file number of the file. H.FSEQ 2 bytes File Sequence Number -
This word contains the file sequence number of the file. H.FLEV 2 bytes File Structure Level -
The file structure level is used to identify different
versions of Files-11 as they affect the structure of the
file header. This permits upward compatibility of file
structures as Files-11 evolves, in that the structure
level word identifies the version of Files-11 that
created this particular file. This document describes
version 1 of Files-11; the only legal contents for
H.FLEV is 401 octal. H.FOWN 2 bytes File Owner UIC -
H.PROG = H.FOWN + 0 Programmer (Member) Number
H.PROJ = H.FOWN + 1 Project (Group) Number
This word contains the binary User Identification Code
(UIC) of the owner of the file. The file owner is
usually (but not necessarily) the creator of the file. H.FPRO 2 bytes File Protection Code -
This word controls what access all users in the system
may have to the file. Accessors of a file are
categorized according to the relationship between the
UIC of the accessor and the UIC of the owner of the
file. Each category is controlled by a four bit field
in the protection word. The category of the accessor is
selected as follows:
System Bits 0 - 3
The accessor is subject to system protection if
the project number of the UIC under which he is
running is 10 octal or less.
Owner Bits 4 -7
The accessor is subject to owner protection if
the UIC under which he is running exactly
matches the file owner UIC.
Group Bits 8 - 11
The accessor is subject to group protection if
the project number of his UIC matches the pro-
ject number of the file owner UIC.
World Bits 12 - 15
The accessor is subject to world protection if
he does not fit into any of the above
Four types of access intents are defined in Files-11:
Read, Write, Extend and Delete. Each four bit field in
the protection word is bit encoded to permit or deny any
combination of the four types of access to that category
of accessors. Setting a bit denies that type of access
to that category. The bits are defined as follows
(these values apply to a right-justified protection
FP.RDV Deny read access
FP.WRV Deny write access
FP.EXT Deny extend access
FP.DEL Deny delete access
When a user attempts to access a file, protection checks
are performed in all the categories to which he is
eligible, in the order: System, Owner, Group, World.
The user is granted access to the file if any of the
categories to which he is eligible grants his access. H.FCHA 2 bytes File Characteristics -
H.UCHA = H.FCHA + 0 User Controlled Characteristics
H.SCHA = H.FCHA + 1 System Controller Characteristics
The user controlled characteristics byte contains the
following flag bits:
Reserved, 1 bit
UC.NID Set if incremental dump (backup) is to be dis-
abled for this file.
UC.WBC Set if the file is to be write-back cached;
i.e., if a cache is used for the file data, data
written by a user is only written back to the
disk when it is removed from the cache. Clear
for write-through cache operation.
UC.RCK Set if the file is to be read-checked. All read
operations on the file, including reads of the
file header(s), are performed with a read,
read-compare to assure data integrity.
UC.WCK Set if the file is to be write-checked. All
write operations on the file, including modifi-
cations of the file header(s), are performed
with a write, read-compare to assure data in-
UC.CNB Set if the file is allocated contiguous best
effort; i.e., as contiguous as possible.
UC.DLK Set if the file is deaccess-locked. This bit is
used as a flag warning that the file was not
properly closed and may contain inconsistent
data. Access to the file is denied if this bit
is set.
UC.CON Set if the file is logically contiguous; i.e.,
if for all virtual blocks in the file, virtual
block i maps to logical block k+i for some con-
stant k. This bit may be implicitly set or
cleared by file system operations that allocate
space to the file; the user may only clear it
The system controlled characteristics byte contains the
following flag bits:
Reserved, 3 bits
Reserved, Access Control List
SC.SPL Set if the file is an intermediate file for
SC.DIR Set if the file is a directory.
SC.BAD Set if there is a bad data block in the file.
This bit is as yet unimplemented. It is in-
tended for dynamic bad block handling.
SC.MDL Set if the file is marked for delete. If this
bit is set, further accesses to the file are
denied, and the file is physically deleted when
no users are accessing it. H.UFAT 32 bytes User Attribute Area -
This area is intended for the storage of a limited
quantity of "user file attributes", i.e., any data the
user deems useful for processing the file that is not
part of the file itself. An example of the use of the
user attribute area is presented in section 6.1 (FCS
File Attributes). S.HDHD 46 bytes Size of Header Area -
This symbol represents the total size of the header
area containing all of the above entries.
3.4.2 Ident Area Description -
The ident area of the file header begins at the word indi-
cated by H.IDOF. It contains identification and accounting data
about the file. I.FNAM 6 bytes File Name -
These three words contain the name of the file, packed
three Radix-50 characters to the word. This name
usually, but not necessarily, corresponds to the name
of the file's primary directory entry. I.FTYP 2 bytes File Type -
This word contains the type of the file in the form of
three Radix-50 characters. I.FVER 2 bytes Version Number -
This word contains the version number of the file in
binary form. I.RVNO 2 bytes Revision Number -
This word contains the revision count of the file. The
revision count is the number of times the file has been
accessed for write. I.RVDT 7 bytes Revision Date -
The revision date is the date on which the file was
last deaccessed after being accessed for write. It is
stored in ASCII in the form "DDMMYY", where DD are two
digits representing the day of the month, MMM are three
characters representing the month, and YY are the last
two digits of the year. I.RVTI 6 bytes Revision Time -
The revision time is the time of day on which the file
was last deaccessed for write. It is stored in ASCII
in the format "HHMMSS", where HH are the hour, MM are
the minute, and SS are the second. I.CRDT 7 bytes Creation Date -
These seven bytes contain the date on which the file
was created. The format is the same as that of the
revision date above. I.CRTI 6 bytes Creation Time -
These six bytes contain the time of day at which the
file was created. The format is the same as that of
the revision time above. I.EXDT 7 bytes Expiration Date -
These seven bytes contain the date on which the file
becomes eligible to be deleted. The format is the same
as that of the revision and creation dates above. 1 byte Unused -
This unused byte is present to round up the size of
the ident area to a word boundary. S.IDHD 46 bytes Size of Ident Area -
This symbol represents the size of the ident area con-
taining all of the above entries.
3.4.3 Map Area Description -
The map area of the file header begins at the word indi-
cated by H.MPOF. It contains the information necessary to map
the virtual blocks of the file to the logical blocks of the
volume. M.ESQN 1 byte Extension Segment Number -
This byte contains the value n, where this header is
the (n+1)th header of the file; i.e., headers of a
file are numbered sequentially starting with 0. M.ERVN 1 byte Extension Relative Volume Number -
This byte contains the relative volume number of the
unit in the volume set that contains the next sequen-
tial extension header for this file. If there is no
extension header, or if the extension header is located
on the same unit as this header, this byte contains 0. M.EFNU 2 bytes Extension File Number -
This word contains the file number of the next sequen-
tial extension header for this file. If there is no
extension header, this word contains 0. M.EFSQ 2 bytes Extension File Sequence Number -
This word contains the file sequence number of the next
sequential extension header for this file. If there is
no extension header, this word contains 0. M.CTSZ 1 byte Block Count Field Size -
This byte contains a count of the number of bytes used
to represent the count field in the retrieval pointers
in the map area. The retrieval pointer format is
described in section below. M.LBSZ 1 byte LBN Field Size -
This byte contains a count of the number of bytes used
to represent the logical block number field in the re-
trieval pointers in the map area. The contents of
M.CTSZ and M.LBSZ must add up to an even number. M.USE 1 byte Map Words in Use -
This byte contains a count of the number of words in
the map area that are presently occupied by retrieval
pointers. M.MAX 1 byte Map Words Available -
This byte contains the total number of words available
for retrieval pointers in the map area. M.RTRV variable Retrieval Pointers -
This area contains the retrieval pointers that actually
map the virtual blocks of the file to the logical
blocks of the volume. Each retrieval pointer describes
a consecutively numbered group of logical blocks which
is part of the file. The count field contains the
binary value n to represent a group of (n+1) logical
blocks. The logical block number field contains the
logical block number of the first logical block in the
Thus, each retrieval pointer maps virtual blocks j
through (j+n) into logical blocks k through (k+n),
respectively, where j is the total number plus one of
virtual blocks represented by all preceding retrieval
points in this and all preceding headers of the file, n
is the value contained in the count field, and k is the
value contained in the logical block number field.
Although the data in the map area provideds for arbi-
trarily extensible retrieval pointer forms, Files-11
has defined only three. Of these, only the first is
currently implemented. The other two are presented out
of historical interest; they will never be supported.
Format 1: M.CTSZ = 1
M.LBSZ = 3
The total retrieval pointer length is four
bytes. Byte 1 contains the high order bits
of the 24-bit LBN. Byte 2 contains the
count field, and bytes 3 and 4 contain the
low 16 bits of the LBN.
| Count | High |
+----------+- -+
| Low order LBN |
Format 2: M.CTSZ = 2
M.LBSZ = 2
The total retrieval pointer length is four
bytes. The first word contains a 16-bit
count field and the second word contains a
16-bit LBN field.
| Count |
| Low order LBN |
Format 3: M.CTSZ = 2
M.LBSZ = 4
The total retrieval pointer length is six
bytes. The first word contains a 16-bit
count field and the second and third words
contain a 32-bit LBN field.
| Count |
| Low order LBN |
+- -+- -+
| High order LBN |
+----------+----------+ S.MPHD 10 bytes Size of Map Area -
This symbol represents the size of the map area, not
including the space used for the retrieval pointers.
3.4.4 End Checksum Description -
The header check sum occupies the last two bytes of the
file header. It is verified every time a header is read, and
is recomputed every time a header is written. H.CKSM 2 bytes Block Checksum -
This word is a simple additive checksum of all other
words in the block. It is computed by the following
PDP-11 routine or its equivalent:
MOV Header-address, R0
MOV #255., R2
10$: ADD (R0)+, R1
SOB R2, 10$
MOV R1, (R0)
3.4.5 File Header Layout -
Header Area
H.MPOF | Map Area Offset | Ident Area Offset | H.IDOF
| File Number | H.FNUM
| File Sequence Number | H.FSEQ
| File Structure Level | H.FLEV
+-------------------+-------------------+ H.FOWN
H.PROJ | File Owner UIC | H.PROG
| File Protection | H.FPRO
+-------------------+-------------------+ H.FCHA
H.SCHA | System Char's | User Char's | H.UCHA
| | H.UFAT
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
/ User File Attribute Area /
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
+-------------------+-------------------+ S.HDHD
Ident Area
| | I.FNAM
+- -+- -+
| File Name |
+- -+- -+
| |
| File Type | I.FTYP
| Version Number | I.FVER
| Revision Number | I.RVNO
| | I.RVDT
+- -+- -+
| Revision Date |
+- -+- -+
| |
+-------------------+- -+
I.RVTI | | |
+- +-------------------+
| |
+- -+- -+
| Revision Time |
+- -+- -+
+-------------------+- -+
I.CRDT | | |
+- +-------------------+
| |
+- -+- -+
| Creation Date |
+- -+- -+
| |
| | I.CRTI
+- -+- -+
| Creation Time |
+- -+- -+
| |
| | I.EXDT
+- -+- -+
| Revision Date |
+- -+- -+
| |
+-------------------+- -+
| Unused | |
+-------------------+-------------------+ S.IDHD
Map Area
M.ERVN | Extension RVN | Extension Seq Num | M.ESQN
| Extension File Number | M.EFNU
| Extension File Sequence Number | M.EFSQ
M.LBSZ | LBN Field Size | Count Field Size | M.CTSZ
M.MAX | Map Words Avail. | Map Words in Use | M.USE
+-------------------+-------------------+ S.MPHD
| | M.RTRV
+- -+- -+
| |
/ Retrieval Pointers /
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
| File Header Checksum | H.CKSM
Files-11 provides directories to allow the organization of
files in a meaningful way. While the File ID is sufficient to
locate a file uniquely on a volume set, it is hardly mnemonic.
Directories are files whose sole function is to associate file
name strings with File IDs.
4.1 Directory Hierarchies
Since directories are files with no special attributes,
directories may list files that are in turn directories. Thus,
the user may construct directory hierarchies of arbitrary depth
and complexity to structure his files as he pleases.
4.1.1 User File Directories -
Current implementations of Files-11 all support a two
level directory hierarchy which is tied in with the user iden-
tification mechanism of the operating system. Each UIC is as-
sociated with a user file directory (UFD). References to files
that do not specify a directory are generally defaulted to the
user's UIC. All UFDs are listed in the volume's MFD under a
file name constructed from the UIC. A UIC of [n,m] associates
with a directory name of "nnnmmm.DIR;1" where nnn and mmm are n
and m padded out to three digits each with leading zeroes.
Note that all number conversions are done in octal.
Two points should be noted here. The UFD structure
described here is not intrinsically part of the Files-11
on-disk structure; rather, it is a convenient cataloging sys-
tem applied by various operating systems. Also, there is no
hard and fast relationship between the owner UIC of a file and
the UFD in which it is listed. Generally, they do correspond,
but not necessarily.
4.2 Directory Structure
A directory is a file consisting of 16-byte records. It
is structured as an FCS fixed length record file, with no car-
riage control attributes (see section 6 for a description of
FCS files). Each record is a directory entry. The entries are
not required to be ordered, or densely packed, nor do they have
any other relationship to each other, except that no two en-
tries in one directory may contain the same name, type, and
version. Each entry contains the following:
File ID The three word binary File ID of the file that this
directory entry represents. If the file number por-
tion of the File ID field is zero, then this record is
empty and may be used for a new directory entry.
Name The name of the file may be up to 9 characters. It is
stored as three words, each containing three Radix-50
packed characters.
Type The type of the file (also historically referred to as
the extension) may be up to three characters. It is
stored as one word of Radix-50 packed characters.
Version The version number of the file is stored in binary in
one word.
4.2.1 Directory File Entry Layout -
| |
+- -+- -+
| File ID |
+- -+- -+
| |
| |
+- -+- -+
| Name |
+- -+- -+
| |
| Type |
| Version |
4.3 Directory Protection
Since directories are files with no special characteris-
tics, they may be accessed like all other files, and are sub-
ject to the same protection mechanism. However,
implementations of Files-11 support three special functions for
the management of directories, namely FIND, REMOVE and ENTER.
A user performing such a directory operation must first have
the following privileges to be allowed the various functions:
FIND: Read
REMOVE: Read, Write
ENTER: Read, Write
Note that the same privilege is required for both ENTER and
REMOVE. The recovery for an operation that involves a REMOVE
at the beginning of the sequence is an ENTER.
Clearly, any file system must maintain some data structure
on the medium which is used to control the file organization.
In Files-11 this data is kept in five files. These files are
created when a new volume is initialized. They are unique in
that their File IDs are known constants. These five files have
the following uses:
File ID 1,1,0 is the index file. The index file is the
root of the entire Files-11 structure. It contains the
volume's bootstrap block and the home block, which is used to
identify the volume and locate the rest of the file structure.
The index file also contains all of the file headers for the
volume, and a bitmap to control the allocation of file headers.
File ID 2,2,0 is the storage bitmap file. It is used to
control the allocation of logical blocks on the volume.
File ID 3,3,0 is the bad block file. It is a file con-
taining all of the known bad blocks on the volume.
File ID 4,4,0 is the volume master file directory, or MFD.
It forms the root of the volume's directory structure. The MFD
lists the five known files, all first level user directories,
and whatever other files the user chooses to enter.
File ID 5,5,0 is the system core image file. Its use is
operating system dependent; its basic purpose is to provide a
file of known File ID for the use of the operating system.
5.1 Index File
The index file is File ID 1,1,0. It is listed in the MFD
as INDEXF.SYS;1. The index file is the root of the Files-11
structure in that it provides the means for identification and
initial access to a Files-11 volume, and contains the access
data for all files on the volume, including itself.
5.1.1 Bootstrap Block -
Virtual block 1 of the index file is the volume's boot
block. It is always mapped to logical block 0 of the volume.
If the volume is the system device of an operating system, the
boot block contains an operating system dependent program which
reads the operating system into memory when the boot block is
read and executed by a machine's hardware bootstrap. If the
volume is not a system device, the boot block contains a small
program that outputs a message on the system console to inform
the operator to that effect.
5.1.2 Home Block -
Virtual block 2 of the index file is the volume's home
block. The logical block containing the home block is the
first good block on the volume from the sequence 1, 256, 512,
768, 1024, 1280 ... (256*n). The purpose of the home block is
to identify the volume as Files-11, establish the specific
identity of the volume, and serve as the ground zero entry
point into the volume's file structure. The home block is
recognized as a home block by the presence of checksums in
known places and by the presence of predictable values in
certain locations.
Items contained in the home block are identified by sym-
bolic offsets in the same manner as items in the file header.
The symbols may be defined in assembly language programs by
calling and invoking the macro HMBOF$, which may be found in
the macro library of any system that supports Files-11. Alter-
natively, one may find the macro in the file F11MAC.MAC. H.IBSZ 2 bytes Index File Bitmap Size -
This 16-bit word contains the number of blocks that
make up the index file bitmap. (The index file bitmap
is discussed in section 5.1.4.) This value must be
non-zero for a valid home block. H.IBLB 4 bytes Index File Bitmap LBN -
This doubleword contains the starting logical block
address of the index file bitmap. Once the home block
of a volume has been found, it is this value that
provides access to the rest of the index file and to
the volume. The LBN is stored with the high order in
the first 16 bits, followed by the low order portion.
This value must be non-zero for a valid home block. H.FMAX 2 bytes Maximum Number of Files -
This word contains the maximum number of files that
may be present on the volume at any time. This value
must be non-zero for a valid home block. H.SBCL 2 bytes Storage Bitmap Cluster Factor -
This word contains the cluster factor used in the
storage bitmap file. The cluster factor is the number
of blocks represented by each bit in the storage
bitmap. Volume clustering is not implemented in
ODS-1; the only legal value for this item is 1. H.DVTY 2 bytes Disk Device Type -
This word is an index identifying the type of disk
that contains this volume. It is currently not used
and always contains 0. H.VLEV 2 bytes Volume Structure Level -
This word identifies the volume's structure level.
Like the file structure level, this word identifies
the version of Files-11 which created this volume and
permits upward compatibility of media as Files-11
evolves. The volume structure level is affected by
all portions of the Files-11 structure except the con-
tents of the file header. This document describes
Files-11 version 1; the only legal values for the
structure level are 401 and 402 octal. The former
(401) is the standard value for most volumes. The
latter (402) is an advisory that the volume contains a
multiheader index file. (A multiheader index file is
required to support more than about 26,000 files. The
index file may in fact be multiheader without the
volume having a structure level of 402.) H.VNAM 12 bytes Volume Name -
This area contains the volume label as an ASCII
string. It is padded out to 12 bytes with nulls. The
volume label is used to identify individual Files-11
volumes. 4 bytes Unused - H.VOWN 2 bytes Volume Owner UIC -
This word contains the binary UIC of the owner of the
volume. The format is the same as that of the file
owner UIC stored in the file header. H.VPRO 2 bytes Volume Protection Code -
This word contains the protection code for the entire
volume. Its contents are coded in the same manner as
the file protection code stored in the file header,
and it is interpreted in the same way in conjunction
with the volume owner UIC. All operations on all
files on the volume must pass both the volume and the
file protection check to be permitted. (Refer to the
discussion on file protection in section H.VCHA 2 bytes Volume Characteristics -
This word contains bits which provide additional con-
trol over access to the volume. The following bits
are defined:
CH.NDC Obsolete, used by RSX-11D / IAS. Set if
device control functions are not permitted on
this volume. Device control functions are
those which can threaten the integrity of the
volume, such as direct reading and writing of
logical blocks, etc.
CH.NAT Obsolete, used by RSX-11D / IAS. Set if the
volume may not be attached, i.e., reserved
for exclusive use by one task.
CH.SDI Set if the volume contains only a single
directory. If this bit is set, no direc-
tories should be created on the volume other
than the MFD. The access methods should also
be informed of this situation, e.g. by set-
ting the DV.SDI bit in the UCB device charac-
teristics word. H.DFPR 2 bytes Default File Protection -
This word contains the file protection that is as-
signed to all files created on this volume if no file
protection is specified by the user. 6 bytes Unused - H.WISZ 1 byte Default Window Size -
This word contains the number of retrieval pointers
used for the "window" (in-memory file access data)
when files are accessed on the volume, if not other-
wise specified by the accessor. H.FIEX 1 byte Default File Extend -
This byte contains the number of blocks that are al-
located to a file when a user extends the file and
asks for the system default value for allocation. H.LRUC 1 byte Directory Pre-Access Limit -
This byte contains a count of the number of direc-
tories to be stored in the file system's directory
access cache. More generally, it is an estimate of
the number of concurrent users of the volume, and its
use may be generalized in the future. H.REVD 7 bytes Date of Last Home Block Revision
This field (ill defined field) is in the standard
ASCII date format and reflects the date of the last
modifications to fields in the home block. H.REVC 2 bytes Count of Home Block Revisions -
This field reflects the number of above mentioned
modifications. 2 bytes Unused - H.CHK1 2 bytes First Checksum -
This word is an additive checksum of all entries pre-
ceding in the home block (i.e., all those listed
above). It is computed by the same sort of algorithm
as the file header checksum (see section H.VDAT 14 bytes Volume Creation Date -
This area contains the date and time that the volume
was initialized. It is in the format
"DDMMMYYHHMMSS", followed by a single null. (The
same format is used in the ident area of the file
header, section 3.4.2). 382 bytes Unused -
This area is reservied for the relative volume table
for volume sets. This field is not used, although
some versions of DSC referred to this area. H.PKSR 4 bytes Pack Serial Number -
This area contains the manufacturer supplied serial
number for the physical volume. For last trace
devices, the pack serial number is contained on the
volume in the manufacturer data. For other devices
the user must supply this information manually. The
serial number is contained in the home block for con-
venience and consistency. 12 bytes Unused - H.INDN 12 bytes Volume Name -
This area contains another copy of the ASCII volume
label. It is padded out to 12 bytes with spaces. It
is placed here in accordance with the volume identi-
fication standard (STD 167). H.INDO 12 bytes Volume Owner -
This area contains an ASCII expansion of the volume
owner UIC in the form "[proj,prog]". Both numbers
are expressed in decimal and are padded to three di-
gits with leading zeroes. The area is padded out to
12 bytes with trailing spaces. It is placed here in
accordance with the volume identification standard
(STD 167). H.INDF 12 bytes Format Type -
This field contains the ASCII string "DECFILE11A"
padded out to 12 bytes with spaces. It identifies
the volume as being of Files-11 format. It is placed
here in accordance with the volume identification
standard (STD 167). 2 bytes Unused - H.CHK2 2 bytes Second Checksum -
This word is the last word of the home block. It
contains an additive checksum of the preceding 255
words of the home block, computed according to the
algorithm in section
5.1.3 Home Block Layout -
| Index File Bitmap Size | H.IBSZ
| Index File Bitmap LBN | H.IBLB
+- -+- -+
| |
| Maximum Number of Files | H.FMAX
| Storage Bitmap Cluster Factor | H.SBCL
| Disk Device Type | H.DVTY
| Volume Structure Level | H.VLEV
| | H.VNAM
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| Volume Name |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
| | Unused
+- -+- -+
| |
| Volume Owner UIC | H.VOWN
| Volume Protection | H.VPRO
| Volume Characteristics | H.VCHA
| Default File Protection | H.DFPR
| | Unused
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
H.FIEX | Def. File Extend | Def. Window Size | H.WISZ
H.REVD | | Directory Limit | H.LRUC
+- -+-------------------+
| |
+- -+- -+
| Volume Modification Date |
+- -+- -+
| |
| Volume Modification Count | H.REVC
| | Unused
| First Checksum | H.CHK1
| | H.VDAT
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| Volume Creation Date |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
| | Unused
+- -+- -+
| |
/ -+- /
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
| Pack Serial Number | H.PKSR
+- -+- -+
| |
| | Unused
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
| | H.INDN
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| Volume Name |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
| | H.INDO
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| Volume Owner |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
| | H.INDF
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| Format Type |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
| | Unused
| Second Checksum | H.CHK2
5.1.4 Index File Bitmap -
The index file bitmap is used to control the allocation of
file numbers (and hence file headers). It is simply a bit
string of length n, where n is the maximum number of files per-
mitted on the volume (contained in offset H.FMAX in the home
block). The bitmap spans as many blocks as are necessary to
hold it, i.e., maximum number of files divided by 4096 and
rounded up. The number of blocks in the bitmap is contained in
offset H.IBSZ of the home block.
The bits in the index file bitmap are numbered sequen-
tially from 0 to (n-1) in the obvious manner, i.e., from right
to left in each byte, and in order of increasing byte address.
Bit j is used to represent file number (j+1): If the bit is 1,
then that file is in use; if the bit is 0, then that file
number is not in use and may be assigned to a newly created
The index file bitmap starts at virtual block 3 of the
index file and continues through VBN (2+m), where m is the
number of blocks in the bitmap. It is located at the logical
block indicated by offset H.IBLB in the home block.
5.1.5 File Headers -
The rest of the index file contains all the file headers
for the volume. The first 16 file headers (for file numbers 1
through 16) are logically contiguous with the index file bitmap
to facilitate their location; the rest may be allocated
wherever the file system sees fit. Thus, the first 16 file
headers may be located from the data in the home block (H.IBSZ
and H.IBLB) while the rest must be located through the mapping
data in the index file header. The file header for file number
n is located at virtual block (2+m+n), where m is the number of
blocks in the index file bitmap.
5.2 Storage Bitmap File
The storage bitmap file is File ID 2,2,0. It is listed in
the MFD as BITMAP.SYS;1. The storage bitmap is used to control
the available space on a unit. It consists of a storage con-
trol block which contains summary information about the unit,
and the bitmap itself which lists the availability of indivi-
dual blocks.
5.2.1 Storage Control Block -
Virtual block 1 of the storage bitmap is the storage con-
trol block. It contains summary information intended to op-
timize allocation of space on the unit. The storage control
block has the following format for disks with less than 516,096
(4096*126) blocks:
3 bytes: Unused (zero)
1 byte: Number of storage bitmap blocks (less than 127)
2 bytes: Number of free blocks in bitmap block 1
2 bytes: Free block pointer in bitmap block 1
2 bytes: Number of free blocks in block 2
2 bytes: Free block pointer in bitmap block 2
2 bytes: Number of free blocks in block n
2 bytes: Free block pointer in bitmap block n
4 bytes: Size of the unit in logical blocks
The storage control block has the following format for disks
with more than 516,096 (4096*126) blocks:
3 bytes: Unused (zero)
1 byte: Number of storage bitmap blocks (greater than 126)
4 bytes: Size of the unit in logical blocks
246 bytes: Unused (zero)
Note: Current implementations of Files-11 do not correctly in-
itialize the word pairs containing the number of free blocks
and the free block pointer for each bitmap block, nor are those
values maintained as space is allocated and freed on the unit.
They are therefore best looked upon as (2*n) garbage words, and
should not be used by future implementations of Files-11 until
the disk structure is formally updated.
5.2.2 Storage Bitmap -
Virtual blocks 2 through (n+1) are the storage bitmap it-
self. It is best viewed as a bit string of length m, numbered
from 0 to (m-1), where m is the total number of logical blocks
on the unit rounded up to the next integer multiple of 4096.
The bits are addressed in the usual manner (packed right to
left in sequentially numbered bytes). Since each virtual block
holds 4096 bits, n blocks (where n = m/4096) are used to hold
the bitmap.
Bit j of the bitmap represents logical block j of the
volume; if the bit is set, the block is free; if clear, the
block is allocated. Clearly, the last k bits of the map are
always clear, where k is the difference between the true size
of the volume and m, the length of the bitmap.
The size of the bitmap is limited to 256 blocks. In fact,
due to existing implementations on all RSX system, the re-
trieval pointers must be in one of the following two forms:
1. A single retrieval pointer mapping the entire
2. Two retrieval pointers, the first mapping only the
storage bitmap control block, and the second mapping
the entire storage bitmap.
This restriction limits ODS-1 to a volume of 4096*255 blocks
(1,044,480 blocks) or about 500 megabytes.
5.3 Bad Block File
The bad block file is File ID 3,3,0. It is listed in the
MFD as BADBLK.SYS;1. The bad block file is simply a file con-
taining all of the known bad blocks on the volume.
5.3.1 Bad Block Descriptor -
Virtual block 1 of the bad block file is the bad block
descriptor for the volume. It is always located on the last
good block of the volume. This block may contain a listing of
the bad blocks on the volume, produced by a bad block scan pro-
gram or diagnostic. The format of the bad block data is ident-
ical to the map area of a file header, except that the first
four entries (M.ESQN, M.ERVN, M.EFNU and M.EFSQ) are not
present. The last word of the block contains the usual addi-
tive checksum. (See section 3.4.3 for a description of the map
area.) This block is included in the bad block file to save the
data it contains for future re-initializations of the volume.
5.3.2 Bad Block Descriptor Layout -
| LBN Field Size | Count Field Size |
| Map Words Avail. | Map Words in Use |
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
/ Retrieval Pointers /
| |
+- -+- -+
| |
| Block Checksum |
5.4 Master File Directory
The master file directory (MFD) is File ID 4,4,0. It is
listed in the MFD (itself) as 000000.DIR;1. The MFD is the
root of the volume's directory structure. It lists the five
known files, plus whatever the user chooses to enter. In the
two level UFD structure described in section 4.1.1, the MFD
contains entries for all user file directories.
5.5 Core Image File
The core image file is File ID 5,5,0. It is listed in the
MFD as CORIMG.SYS;1. Its use is operating system dependent.
In general, it provides a file of known File ID for the use of
the operating system for use as a swap area, as a monitor over-
lay area, etc.
File Control Services (FCS) is a user level interface to
Files-11. Its principal features are a record control facility
that allows sequential processing of variable length records,
and sequential and random access to fixed length record files.
FCS interfaces to the virtual block facility provided by the
basic Files-11 structure.
6.1 FCS File Attributes
FCS stores attribute information about the file in the
file header's user attribute area (H.UFAT - see section It uses only the first 7 words; the rest are ig-
nored by FCS, but are reserved by DEC. RMS uses an additional
3 words - 10 words in all - for relative and indexed file at-
The following items are contained in the attribute area;
they are identified by the usual symbolic offsets relative to
the start of the attribute area. The offsets may be defined in
assembly language programs by calling and invoking the macro
FDOFF$. Flag values and bits may be defined by calling and in-
voking the macro FCSBT$. These macros are in the system macro
library of any operating system that supports Files-11. Alter-
natively, all these values are defined in the system object
library of any system that supports Files-11, and may be ob-
tained at link time.
6.1.1 F.RTYP 1 byte Record Type -
This byte identifies the type of records contained in
this file. The following three values are legal:
R.FIX Fixed length records
R.VAR Variable length records
R.SEQ Sequenced variable length records
6.1.2 F.RATT 1 byte Record Attributes -
This byte contains record attribute bits that control
the handling of records under various contexts. The
following flag bits are defined:
FD.FTN Use Fortran carriage control. The first byte of
each record is to be interpreted as a standard
Fortran carriage control character when the
record is copied to a carriage control device.
FD.CR Use implied carriage control. When the file is
copied to a carriage control device, each record
is to be preceded by a line feed and followed by
a carriage return. FD.FTN and FD.CR are mu-
tually exclusive.
FD.PRN The two byte sequence number field for R.SEQ
record format is to be interpreted as print con-
trol information. See section for
format of print information.
FD.BLK Records do not cross block boundaries if set.
Generally, there is dead space at the end of
each block; how this is handled is explained in
the description of record formats in section
6.1.3 F.RSIZ 2 bytes Record Size -
In a fixed length record file, this word contains the
size of the records in bytes. In a variable length
record file, this word contains the size in bytes of the
longest record in the file.
6.1.4 F.HIBK 4 bytes Highest VBN Allocated -
This 32-bit number is a count of the number of virtual
blocks allocated to the file. Since this value is main-
tained by FCS, it is usually correct; however, it is
not guaranteed, since FCS is a user level package.
6.1.5 F.EFBK 4 bytes End of File Block -
This 32-bit number is the VBN is which the end of file
is located. Both F.HIBK and F.EFBK are stored with the
high order half in the first two bytes, followed by the
low order half.
6.1.6 F.FFBY 2 bytes First Free Byte -
This word is a count of the number of bytes in use in
the virtual block containing the end of file, i.e., it
is the offset to the first byte of the file available
for appending. Note that an end of file that falls on a
block boundary may be represented in either of two ways:
1. F.EFBK contains precisely n blocks, F.EFBK contains
2. F.EFBK contains (n+1), F.EFBK contains 0.
6.1.7 S.FATT 14 bytes Size of Attribute Block -
This symbol represents the total number of bytes in the
FCS file attribute block.
6.2 FCS File Attribute Block Layout
F.RATT | Record Attributes | Record Type | F.RTYP
| Record Size | F.RSIZ
| Highest VBN Allocated | F.HIBK
+- -+- -+
| |
| End of File VBN | F.EFBK
+- -+- -+
| |
| First Free Byte | F.FFBY
+-------------------+-------------------+ S.FATT
6.3 Record Structure
This section describes how records are packed in the vir-
tual blocks of a disk file. In general, FCS treats a disk file
as a sequentially numbered array of bytes. Records are num-
bered consecutively starting with 1.
6.3.1 Fixed Length Records -
In a file containing fixed length records, the records are
simply packed end to end with no additional control informa-
tion. If the record length is odd, each record is padded with
a single byte. The content of the pad byte is undefined. For
direct access, the address of a record is computed as follows:
Let n = record number
k = record size in bytes
m = byte address of record in file
q = number of records per block
j = VBN containing the start of the record
i = byte offset within VBN j
Then h = ((k + 1) / 2) * 2 (rounded-up record length)
m = (n - 1) * h
j = (m / 512) + 1 (truncated)
i = m mod 512
The previous discussion assumes that records cross block
boundaries, that is, FD.BLK is not set. If records do not
cross block boundaries, they are limited to 512 bytes, and the
following equations apply (variables defined as above):
h = ((k + 1) / 2) * 2 (rounded-up record length)
q = 512 / k (truncated)
j = ((n - 1) / q) + 1 (truncated)
i = ((n - 1) mod q) * h
6.3.2 Variable Length Records -
In a file containing variable length records, records may
be up to 32,767 bytes in length. Each record is preceded by a
two byte binary count of the bytes in the record. The count
does not include itself. A null record is represented by a
single 0 word. The byte count is always word-aligned; i.e.,
if a record ends on an odd byte boundary, it is padded with a
single byte. The contents of the pad are undefined.
If records do not cross block boundaries (FD.BLK is set),
they are limited to a size of 510 bytes. A byte count of -1 is
used as a flag to signal that there are no more records in a
particular block. The remainder of that block is then dead
space, and the next record in the file starts at the beginning
of the next block.
6.3.3 Sequenced Variable Length Records -
The format of the sequenced file is identical to a vari-
able length record file, except that a two-byte sequence number
field is located immediately after the byte count field of each
record. This field contains a binary value which is usually
interpreted as the line number of that record (see section
6.1.2, FD.PRN, and section
The sequence number is not returned as part of the data
when a record is read, but is available separately. Note that
the record byte count field counts the sequence number field as
well as the data of the record. Format of 2-Byte Print Control Field in R.SEQ Records
If the FD.PRN bit is set in the record attribute, then the
two-byte "sequence number" field is used to contain carriage
control data for the record. Byte 0 is print control informa-
tion to act upon before the record data is output to a unit
record device. Byte 1 is print control information to act upon
after the record data is output to a unit record device.
The format of each byte is as follows:
Bit 7 Bits 6 - 0 Meaning
0 0 No carriage control
0 1 - 127 Count of new lines (CR/LF)
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bits 4-0 Meaning
1 0 0 ASCII C0 set Char to output
1 0 1 ASCII C1 set Char to output
1 1 0 Code 0 - 63 Device specific code
1 1 1 - Reserved
Note: The print control field is not currently supported
by FCS or RMS-11.