
    version 1.21 (for WCE1.0)
    version 2.21 (for WCE2.0)
  (C) Copyright 1997-1998, TascalSoft. All rights reserved.



  Calcurator for Windows CE.
  + Big buttons for easy use.
  + Big segments for easy viewing.
  + Keyboard operation
  + BIN / OCT / DEC / HEX mode


  2.1 H/PC (Windows CE 1.0)
    Please copy the file 'TCalc.exe' to somewhere folder in your H/PC by
    H/PC Explorer.

  2.2 H/PC (Windows CE 2.0)
    Please copy the file 'TCalc.exe' to somewhere folder in your H/PC by
    Windows CE Service.

  2.3 P/PC (Windows CE 2.0)
    At first, Please copy the file 'TCalc.exe' to somewhere folder in your
    P/PC by Windows CE Service.
    Second, Make a shoftcut file in '\Windows\Start Menu\Programs'.

    You don't need make a short cut file if you use any of laucher program
    (example TascalExplorer P/PC).


  First, you should push the uninstall button in the 'About' dialog box of
  this program to remove registry information. Second, you can delete the
  file 'TCalc.exe" from your machine.


    Operation     Key
    0             '0' or 'm'
    1             '1' or 'j'
    2             '2' or 'k'
    3             '3' or 'l'
    4             '4' or 'u'
    5             '5' or 'i'
    6             '6' or 'o'
    7             '7'
    8             '8'
    9             '9'
    a             'a'
    b             'b'
    c             'c'
    d             'd'
    e             'e'
    f             'f'
    point         '.'
    (+/-)         ','
    Back Space    BS or CTRL + 'h'
    All Clear     ESC or '\\'
    +             '+' or ';'
    -             '-'
    X             '*' or 'x' or ':' or '\''
    /             '/'
    percent       '%'
    calculate     ENTER or '=' or CTRL + 'm'

    MR            CTRL + 'r'
    MP            CTRL + 'p'
    MS            none
    MC            CTRL + 'l'
    NOT           '~'
    AND           '&'
    OR            '|'
    XOR           '~'
    right shift   '>'
    left shift    '<'
    left parenthesis    '(' '['
    right parenthesis   ')' ']'

    PI            'p'
    1/x           'r'
    sqrt          'q'
    log           'g'
    ln            'n'
    y^x           'y'

    sin()         CTRL + 's'
    cos()         CTRL + 'c'
    tan()         CTRL + 't'


  TascalCalc is one of the programs found in TascalTools Volume 1.

5.1 Cost

  Tascal Tools Volume 1 costs $20.00 (no shipping or handling fees).

5.2 How to order

  Simply send a company check (no personal checks will be accepted), money
  order, or cashier's check for $20.00 US and a note with your e-mail address
  to the address below:

    TascalTools Registration
    1022 E. Baltimore Pike
    Media, PA 19063

    Please make all payment payable to Jared Miniman.

  As soon as your check is received, you will be sent your registration code
  via e-mail. If you would like to check the progress of your order or have
  any questions, please contact us at Please support
  TascalSoftware, a fine manufacturer of free software, by registering your
  package. It is simple, hassle-free, and will allow Tascal to continue           providing free utilities and applications that make your H/PC usage much


  03/03/1999 version 2.21/1/21
  + Bug fix : shareware message don't disapear

  03/01/1999 version 2.20/1/20
  + Added a display function of arithmetic symbol.
  + Added a display function of parenthetic level.

  12/31/1998 version 2.12/1/12
  + Support japanese P/PC

  10/21/1998 version 2.11/1.11
  + Release for P/PC
  + bug fix : BS key operation
  + Change button color of AC

  09/15/1998 version 2.10/1.10
  + priority multipul and deveid operation
  + add parentheis operation
  + add memory sign
  + change key assignment
  + add copy & paste operation

  09/04/1998 version 2.03/1.03
  + bug fix : exponent key cound not work correctly.
  + change segment color for b&w machines (green to white).
  + add key assignment ';', ':', and '\'' key

  08/24/1998 version 2.02/1.02
  + bug fix : I am very sorry, I misschanged radix 10 to 12.
    example) enter [1] [0] [+]. result displayed "12"

  08/24/1998 version 2.01/1.01
  + bug fix : user input value conversion is incorrect
    example) input value 1.11111111111. And type [x] [=]. result is incorrect.
  + Add Copy result to clipboard function

  06/30/1998 version 1.00
  + First release

  THE NEWEST VERSION of this program may be found in our web site:


  This program is a SHAREWARE, so you should register for continuous use.

  The author of this program will not take responsibility for any damage 
  that may result from the use of this program. So, the user assumes the 
  entire risk of using the program.

  This program can be distributed only in the ORIGINAL archived file.
  DO NOT CHANGE this file or any files within.

  If it is going to be distributed in any other ways (e.g. on CD-ROM),
  please contact us by E-mail.


  If you have any question or opinion, please feel free to send E-mail to: .