
  TascalFilerEx for Windows CE
    Version 1.32 (for WCE1.00/1.01)
    Version 2.32 (for WCE2.00/2.11)
  (C) Copyright 1997-1999, TascalSoft. All rights reserved.



  Windows CE's standard explorer has no folder tree. It's very hard to change
  the current folder; the program itself is poorly organized and difficult
  to use. TascalFilerEx has a folder tree, so it is now easy to jump from
  folder to folder using a bi-tree view. TascalFilerEx also has two different
  screen modes to increase ease of use. As you will see below in the
  "FUNCTIONS" section, TascalFilerEx replaces many applications, such as a
  graphic viewer, a registry editor, and more.


  Please copy the file 'TascalFilerEx.exe' to the directory of your choice
  using H/PC Explorer or CE Services.


  First, you should push the uninstall button from the 'About' dialog of the
  program to remove all registry information. Next, you can remove the file
  'TascalFilerEx.exe' from your H/PC.


  TascalFilerEx is very easy to use. From the 'File' menu, you can add a new
  folder to the current directory (New Folder), you can create a shortcut on
  the desktop to the current file(s) (Desktop Shortcut), you can create a
  shortcut to the current file(s) in the current directory (Create Shortcut),
  you can delete the current file(s) (Delete), you can rename the current
  file(s) (Rename), and you can view or change the file attributes or view
  the file of the current file(s) or directory(s). Finally, you can set an
  image as your H/PC's wallpaper (Wallpaper) or exit the application (Exit).

  From the 'Edit' menu, you have access to basic Explorer functions: Cut,
  copy, paste, paste shortcut, select all, and file mask. In the "Options"
  dialog box, there are four tabs: View, List Items, File Type, and Wallpaper.

  View -- Here you can choose to show all files or hide system files. You can
  also enable/disable file extension display, file sorting, and icon displaying   (for purposes of performance). Next to the icon option you can delete the
  icon cache, just like in any web browser when you want to delete temporary
  graphic files.

  List Items -- Here you can change the elements displayed with each screen
  mode, folder tree + file list and file list + file list. You can
  enable/disable size, type, modified, and attributes.

  File Type -- Just like in Windows 9x, you can actually alter or add file
  associations without going through the registry! You can edit existing
  associations (icon, description, associated  extension, and program location
  can all be altered!), remove existing associations, or add your own
  associations. There is no need to use a registry editor to tweak your system.

  Wallpaper -- This function allows you set any .2bp or .bmp file as your
  H/PC's background. You can tile or stretch the image or use the automatic

  From the 'View' menu, more possibilities are revealed. You can change the
  display mode from Large Icon, Small Icon, or Details. You can also arrange
  files by name or type. You can refresh the listing, change view mode between
  mode one (Two-pane, like in Windows Explorer from Windows 9x) or mode two
  (Two separate windows in one screen, just like in TascalFiler. You can copy
  and paste files between directories very easily). You can also open the
  preview window (Preview Window), which gives a thumbnail view of any graphic
  file. Finally, you can register, uninstall, or retrieve registration
  information from the "About" section. System information is displayed as an
  added bonus.  

  Under "Tools Setup," you can see which TascalTools have been registered.


  Control in the Listview
  Up or Down         Move selection
  PgUp (Alt + Up)    Goto top
  PgDn (Alt + Down)  Goto bottom
  Home (Alt + Left)  Goto top
  End  (Alt + Right) Goto bottom
  Enter              Open
  Alt + Enter        Property

  Keyboard acceralator
  Ctrl + 'O'        Open
  Ctrl + 'F'        New folder
  Ctrl + 'S'        Create desktop shortcut
  Ctrl + 'B'        Brawse folder (only two screen mode)
  Ctrl + 'U'        Change upper folder
  BS                Change upper folder
  Ctrl + 'D'        Delete
  Shift + BS        Delete
  Ctrl + 'N'        Rename
  Ctrl + 'P'        Property
  Ctrl + 'X'        Cut (only folder tree mode)
  Ctrl + 'C'        Copy (only folder tree mode)
  Ins               Copy (only folder tree mode)
  Ctrl + 'V'        Paste (only folder tree mode)
  Ctrl + 'A'        Select all
  Ctrl + 'R'        Refresh


  TascalFilerEx is one of the set of TascalTools Volume One.

5.1 Cost

  Tascal Tools Volume 1 costs $20.00 (no shipping or handling fees).

5.2 How to order

  You can now purchase this Tascal product using Visa, Mastercard, American
  Express, Optima, Discover, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, or JCB cards.
  Please access this link

  fill out the form COMPLETELY, select the correct quantity of which ever
  products you desire, hit "Continue," then enter the billing information.
  Please take advantage of KAGI's secure transaction system (using SSL
  technology) if your browser supports it.

  Please support TascalSoftware, a fine manufacturer of free software, by
  registering your package. It is simple, hassle-free, and will allow Tascal
  to continue providing free utilities and applications that make your H/PC
  usage much easier.


  THE NEWEST VERSION of this program may be found in our web site:

  08/24/1999 version 1.32/2.32
    + Bug fix version

  08/24/1999 version 1.31/2.31
    + Bug fix : Some japanese H/PC pro machine can't get storage card

  08/07/1999 version 1.30/2.30
    + Change program code simply around the refresh operation.
    + Change program code around the wallpeper setting.
    + Bug fix : The button is not desabled when files are unselected.
    + Bug fix : The object infomation is not refreshed when you change the
    + Bug fix : Can't execute shortcut which has command line parameters.
    + Display storage card infomation (japanese H/PC pro machine). 
    + More strict.

  12/03/1998 version 1.21/2.21
    + Bug fix: Could't rename in the list view.
    + Keep in mind previous view setting.
    + Change the arrange menu.

  11/06/1998 version 1.20/2.20
    + More strict.
    + Bug fix: can't disable hide extension option when select hide extension

  08/29/1998 version 1.11/2.11
    + Bug fix: incorrect folder move operation.
    + Don't execute duplication.
    + Reflect Another list view when rename file.

  08/24/1998 version 1.10/2.10
    + Release a binary for WCE2.0.
    + Bug fix: Can't use Ctrl + 'M' keyboard short cut.
    + Reflect name change ('My Handheld PC' => 'HPC')
    + Support edit file types function.

  07/09/1998 version 1.01
    + Bug fix: DEL and BS key is invalid in rename oparation.
    + full column select with CE 2.0.
    + Show property if Enter key pressed with ALT key.

  06/30/1998 version 1.00
    + Release version.

  02/21/1998 version 0.20
    + Evaluation version.

  02/14/1998 version 0.10
    + Evaluation version.


  This program is a SHAREWARE, so you should register for continuous use.

  The author of this program will not take responsibility for any damage 
  that may result from the use of this program. So, the user assumes the 
  entire risk of using the program.

  This program can be distributed only in the ORIGINAL archived file.
  DO NOT CHANGE this file or any files within.

  If it is going to be distributed in any other ways (e.g. on CD-ROM),
  please contact us by E-mail.


  If you have any question or opinion, please feel free to send E-mail to: .